4. Poison

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Quirk Name: Poison

Quirk Abilities: The user can produce poisons from their body. The user can control whether the poison is deadly or not. The poison can be thrown as a weapon or set up as a trap. In order for this quirk to work the user has to eat/drink poison (the user can ingest any poisons or toxins). The user could also create these poisons in the form of a gas, however they would be unable to control the gas once released.

Type: Emitter

Quirk Stats:
Strength - B
Defence - D
Speed - B
Range - E
Developmental Potential - A
Lethality - S
Versatility - B
Destructive Force - D

Special Move(s):

- Poison Dart: The user hones their poison into a sharp point that can be launched at an opponent.

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