10. Jester

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(Banner art by Alpas [The 7th End] on YouTube)

Quirk Name: Jester

Quirk Abilities: This one's a bit more difficult to explain so the formatting here will be different. Basically the user uses different acts that a jester would've performed as weapons. I like jesters so this quirk is like stupid strong, probably the strongest in the book.


Cards: Jesters most likely didn't use cards but they did perform magic which is most commonly associated with cards today. User can summon cards which can be used as normal weapons (like small blades). However each suit does something special as listed below.

Diamonds: Fires the diamonds out of the card the smaller the number the bigger the diamond. However, it fires the amount on the card. (So aces fire one big diamond but 10s fire 10 small diamonds). The diamonds look like they do on the card. (Aces act as 1).

Hearts: Hearts will heal the target once the card is applied (they stick like a band-aid would, this is the same for jokers). The amount of hearts doesn't matter like it does with diamonds. However it can't heal like Recovery Girl does as hearts can only heal wounds less severe than broken bones.

Spades: Works the same as diamonds however spades are weaker but act as a heat seaking missile would.

Clubs: These cards explode. Once they have exploded they throw three smaller bombs outside of the initial explosion. (Number also does not matter).

Jacks: Jacks cause field hazards. Diamonds - spikes Hearts - sinkhole Spades - quicksand Clubs - vines

Queens and Kings: These become weapons. Queens become shield that change shape depending on the suit. (E.g diamond shape for diamonds). Kings become a certain weapon depending on the suit, Diamonds - Scythe Hearts - Bow & Arrow Spades - Gauntlets Clubs - Hammer

Jokers: Joker will put the target to sleep once attached to them (they will only wake up once the card is removed). Red jokers give the target dreams, black jokers give nightmares.

Juggling: The user is able to summon bombs, this represents juggling which jesters are known to do. These bombs are bigger than the ones in clubs attacks but don't send off other smaller bombs.

Sound waves: The user is able to fire sound waves from their palms. Jesters, being entertainers, would often perform songs.

Acrobatics: User can jump on the air somewhat like a double jump.

The cards and other acts could probably be separated into different quirks


Type: Emitter

Quirk Stats:
Strength - S
Defence - A
Speed - C
Range - D
Developmental Potential - F
Lethality - S
Versatility - S
Destructive Force - A

Special Move(s):
- Card Chaos: User would use multiple types of cards all at once
- Bomb Barrage: User would carelessly throw bombs and club cards around


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