43. Kinetic Manipulation

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Quirk Name: Kinetic Manipulation

Quirk Abilities: The user can manipulate kinetic energy, either taking away an object's kinetic energy completely away, freezing it in place or adding more kinetic energy to an object that was previously frozen, making it move once more. Objects within 1 metre can be affected.

Type: Emitter

Quirk Stats:
Strength - A
Defence - C
Speed - S
Range - B
Developmental Potential - D
Lethality - C
Versatility - E
Destructive Force - C

Special Move(s):

- Friction's Flame: By adding kinetic energy to air particles they move faster therefore colliding more, therefore creating more friction, therefore possibly starting fire (I don't actually think that's possible but I don't care cuz usually you heat up air particles in a confined space like a balloon and they get more energy therefore hitting the container's walls more and increasing pressure so I'm kinda going off the assumption that thermal = kinetic and vice versa but even if that isn't possible this is a fictional world and I don't really give a shit about what's possible and what isn't).

Notes: The quirk kinda breaks the laws of physics (again) cuz energy can't be created or destroyed, this is the conservation of energy iirc, so I don't actually know where the energy is coming from.

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