46. Draconic

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Quirk Name: Draconic

Quirk Abilities: User has patches of scales that act as an armour. User would have a dragon's wings, claws and tail.

Type: Mutant

Quirk Stats:
Strength - A
Defence - A
Speed - B
Range - E
Developmental Potential - D
Lethality - B
Versatility - E
Destructive Force - B

Special Move(s):
- Sky Drop: User flies high up in the sky with the opponent and drops them from that height.

- Elemental Consumption: Dragons are elemental creatures and by consuming these elements the user would gain their properties however only one element can be used at a time. Also each element could slightly alter the user's physical appearance (for example colour of the scales changing and other certain changed like webbed hands and feet for water).

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