13. Portal

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Quirk Name: Portal

Quirk Abilities: The user can shoot portals from the palms of their hands. They can have 5 portals open at a time (10 if you count both sides). If someone lands in the portal whilst the other isn't open they'll land in a black void which cannot be escaped if the other side is opened unless the user gets rid of the other side.

Type: Emitter

Quirk Stats:
Strength - E
Defence - C
Speed - A
Range - A
Developmental Potential - C
Lethality - F
Versatility - E
Destructive Force - E

Special Move(s):
- Gravity: User opens one portal under the target then the other portal up high and let's the target fall

- Pota-al: The user creates a small portal on a small object such as a ball (preferably a fragile object), the user then has portable portals that when thrown at something the object the portal is on will break and the portal moves onto whatever the object was thrown at allowing the user to give other people their portals.

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