14. Mantis Shrimp

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Quirk Name: Mantis Shrimp

Quirk Abilities: User can do anything a mantis shrimp can. User has a carapace that wraps around the user's chest, front and back. User has mantis shrimp like claws specifically those of smashers rather than spearers (wikipedia's words, not mine). User can punch at speeds of 50 mph. User has 16 colour receptors rather than a human's three including ones that can see ultraviolet light but not infrared light maybe (scientists don't know yet according to Wikipedia but I'm not good at reading, so take that with a grain of salt). A mantis shrimp normally can leave deep wounds on a human so imagine how powerful that would be if it were human sized, user could probably kill with a single punch. So user's punch would be weaker than an actual mantis shrimp's. Just weak enough so the wound wouldn't be deep. User can breathe underwater.

Type: Mutant

Quirk Stats:
Strength - S
Defence - B
Speed - S
Range - E
Developmental Potential - E
Lethality - A
Versatility - D
Destructive Force - B

Special Move(s):
- Cavitation Bubbles: When underwater these punches create vapour filled bubbles known as cavitation bubbles that act as a second punch. (Like twin impact but the impact is immediate).

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