34. Pride

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Quirk Name: Pride

Quirk Abilities: The user can summon small sun like objects, the light that is emitted from these suns is able to control anyone who sees it. The light makes people believe in the user's superiority and therefore they pledge their allegiance to the user. Targets are only released when the user releases them.

Type: Emitter

Quirk Stats:
Strength - C
Defence - A
Speed - D
Range - A
Developmental Potential - S
Lethality - C
Versatility - A
Destructive Force - E

Special Move(s):

- Bright Light Army: Opponents captured by the suns could hide the light to brainwash others easier

- The Supernatural Comic Book World: The brainwashed people can still use their quirks.
- Lion Form: The user is able to transform into lion beast at will. (All of the sins quirks will have a similar ability however pride is the only one who can transform whenever they desire.)

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