21. Seasonal Shifts

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Quirk Name: Seasonal Shifts

Quirk Abilities: The user can manipulate the four main elements depending on the season. In summer the user would use fire, autumn is earth, winter is water and spring is air.

Type: Emitter

Quirk Stats: (Su, Au, Wi, Sp)
Strength - S, B, C, B
Defence - A, S, C, D
Speed - A, D, B, S
Range - A, A, A, A
Developmental Potential - C, A, A, B
Lethality - A, A, B, C
Versatility - C, A, S, B

Special Move(s):
- Ring of Flames: User circles flames around the opponent
- Boulder Gauntlets: User encases their fists in rock to make gauntlets
- Bubble Chamber: User could trap enemies in a bubble
- Storm Punch: User attacks enemies with a large gust of wind, simulating a punch

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