The Phantom

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Zie wasn't very happy with Cole about the prank. She found out when she got in Cole's car that the time on the car's dash, and on her phone, were different from her alarm clock. She hit Cole in the arm and rushed back inside to get her makeup.

On the way to school, she cursed Cole playfully as she wound up her long blonde hair into a ponytail and applied her makeup as best she could with her compact and the car's mirrors.

Zie was one of the 'girliest' girls that Cole had ever met. He didn't care to describe the style of clothes she wore for it was her own, however it was safe to say that she was gorgeous. She had gone through the awkward stage with Cole in junior high with braces and no fashion sense. Now see was one of the prettier girls in school, not a day went past that she wasn't assailed by flirtations. To say she ignored them was wrong, she was truly ignorant, in her heart she was, and would always be, the awkward nerdy youth that had befriended Cole, Jaq, and Gus.

She was Cole's best friend and anchor, and he didn't know what he would do without her.

Once they arrived at school, and he parked, Cole swore he saw something in his rear view mirror: a woman with specks of blood on her face writing something in blood on his trunk. When he spun around to look through his back window past Jaq and Gus, there was no trace of her or the blood. When he checked his rearview mirror again, the woman who had been sitting right on his trunk had vanished.

"Cole, is something wrong?" Zie asked. Noticing her friend's face lose all color.

"No, no I am fine. I just thought... well I am just nervous about school and ready for it to be over." Cole responded hoping he was just seeing things.

"I hear you there," Gus said opening the door and scooting out of his seat.

They parted ways, Zie and Cole to Mr. James Hook's math class, and Jaq and Gus to their classes.

Cole tried not to think about the woman, he was just happy to have at least one class with Zie, he couldn't fathom what it would be like to be left alone at this god-forsaken place. As happy as he was to have this class with Zie, he couldn't help but dread the next few hours of school where the bullies were sure to put him in his 'place'.

After class ended, Cole walked Zie to her art class with Mr. Quasi Modo. It was by far her favorite class and Cole was happy to see her so excited. However, he kept his eyes glued to the floor in front of him to avoid the gazes of the others students or even worse Hans.

Hans was the leader of the group of delinquents. As a successful lawyer, his father, Mr. Westergard, wielded enough power that Hans could virtually get away with anything save murder. Sure enough, Hans pushed his immunity to the limit every chance that he got.

After leaving Zie at her class, Jack caught sight of Hans and his crew and bolted the other direction. With any luck, they wouldn't have seen him.

Cole turned the corner and found the door to the special needs bathroom, the one that had a lock on it. He thanked God that there was nobody to share the room with, and shut the door behind him to take a deep breath. He would just wait until the bell rang and it was safe to go to his next class.

After he scanned the bathroom, and had the door safely locked, Cole peeled off his backpack and hung it on a hook on the door. It was a nice enough bathroom, and he knew for a fact that Mr. Tarzan Porter always kept this place immaculate for the special needs students. Cole checked his phone and decided to surf the internet for a few minutes until the bell rang. Sure, he would be late to class but at least he would get there.

That was when he noticed something strange out of the corner of his eye as he leaned against the sink. He looked in the mirror to see a woman in the room with him, he turned around to see her... but she was gone. He could have sworn that it was the same woman who he had seen earlier. When turned back to the mirror it was not his face who met him but hers. She had short black hair with a red streak in it; she wore a leather jacket with caked blood dripping from parts of it. When he saw her face, he would have believed her to be pretty if she were not so cold and frightening.

Cole nearly jumped out of his skin as he fell to the floor dropping his phone with a clatter.

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