Nurse Alice

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Cole burst from the classroom, he had to get away from this place, but he hadn't driven his car to school. This morning he didn't want to drive it to school because he thought it might be haunted but now he was beginning to suspect that he was the one that was haunted and not his stuff.

His world was becoming a mess. He had no choice he would have to go to the nurse. He turned the corner and ran into someone knocking them both onto the ground. Fearing the worst Cole started to scurry away from them until he figured out who it was.

"Ouch, watch where you are going." The other person said.

Cole recognized the voice, it wasn't Hans' or his lackeys.

"Elsa?" Cole rushed to help her pick up the papers in her hands. "I'm so sorry are you alright?"

While helping Elsa gather her stuff he scanned the area around him but didn't see any blood.

"Oh, hi Cole, I'm sorry I was in a bit of a rush too." Elsa said getting her bearings.

Soon they were both picking up her papers and Elsa's hand brushed Coles. "Sorry. My hands are really cold today." She said as if she were ashamed.

Cole caught her tone and as soon as they had gathered up all her papers, he stood up and offered her hand. "It's alright I work in an ice cream place, the cold doesn't bother me anymore." Cole offered a smile he didn't feel.

Elsa tentatively took his hand and he helped her too her feet. "Thank you, where were you off to in such a hurry?"

Cole was too busy keeping an eye out for something suspicious while trying to not be too obvious about it, "the nurse." He said before he could think about what he was saying. At the first sign of any thing, he would bolt, but he couldn't leave Elsa alone, what was he going to do? He knew that whatever was following him had deadly intentions, but he didn't know how strong it was yet.

"That's where I am going to," Elsa said knocking him out of his thoughts. "We could go together."

It took a second for Cole to respond; at first, he just nodded his head. "Um, ya, sounds good."

They walked side by side; Cole decided it was best to keep his head down. So far, only he could see the weird things, if he didn't see them they didn't happen, right?

It felt like an eternity until they got to the nurse's office. Cole insisted that Elsa went first and offered to watch her things while he sat in one of the chairs outside her office.

In the meantime, Cole was pleased that there weren't any weird things going on that he could see and he took a breath and relaxed, but only a little. He could hear them speaking inside the nurse's office but he didn't care to listen, something could change at any second and he knew that better than anybody did.

Elsa came out looking no worse for wear and offered to watch his stuff while he was visiting the nurse.

"Hello Nurse Liddell," Cole said. He looked around and saw her walls covered with an odd assortment of pictures, figures, and other things. She had a porcelain smiling purple and pink cat, a top hat on her hat rack with 10/6 written on a paper attached to it, and caterpillar and butterfly posters on the walls.

The nurse embraced Cole, "Please call me Alice, I am really sorry about your family Cole, your mother and I were friends in college and they will missed."

Cole tried not to cry as Alice opened that old wound. He was a little more preoccupied with something else now. He didn't need to be blubbing about the rest of his traumatic life.

"Oh dear, Jackson you are quivering up a storm are you cold?" Alice put her hand to his head. "You are warm, but you don't feel like you have a temperature, is it those bullies again?" she sighed, "ok I shouldn't be doing this, but I understand that you have been going through a hard time, with losing your family, I know you don't need to ad bullies to that mix. I will sign you out if you want to go home."

"I would, but I left my car at home and got a ride." Cole looked down disappointed at the turn of events.

"Do you have someone you can call to give you a ride, a grandparent, aunt, anything?" She asked.

"No, my nearest relatives live at least a twenty four hour drive away from here."

"You don't have any friends that could give you a ride?"

"They are all here, and would just worry more if I asked for a ride."

Cole watched as he saw the nurse understand how alone he was in the world, and it broke her heart.

Elsa popped out from behind the door. "I can take him. I am already going home, I can just drop him off on my way." Cole could see the sadness in her eyes, she had obviously overheard their conversation.

"Well Cole it is up to you." Alice said.

"It couldn't hurt." Cole answered grateful to be able to escape this death trap.

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