The Station

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"Hey there Jackson," Jessie's keys jingled as she unlocked the cage. She watched Cole, who was looked like a dog who had been rescued from off the street and stuck in a cage, fearful and awaiting punishment. "We have reviewed the footage with the police department and we have come to the consensus that you are innocent and free to go."

Cole didn't move, he just looked at her with those big puffy eyes that said he had no more tears to shed.

"However we would like to keep you here overnight just to make sure that you are safe and sound." Jessie wanted to step in the cell as she opened it, but she was afraid that he make freak out as soon as she walked any closer. "Is that ok?"

Cole slowly nodded his head. A wave of relief went through Jessie, at least he wasn't in shock so much that he couldn't respond.

"You can stay in here I'll leave the door unlocked, or we have a couch just in the station that's pretty comfortable. Can I get you anything, Water, coffee, tea?"

"Water," Cole's voice was low and gravely.

"Ok," Jessie smiled, she turned to leave.

Cole could already feel the blood bubble from the wall behind him as she turned and fear struck him. "No!" He coughed as he leapt from the bed, but it was as if he had forgotten how to use his legs and tumbled shoulder first into the floor.

Woody grabbed for his taser gun but Jessie held him in place with the halt signal.

"Are you ok?" Jessie immediately remembered her training, he may have been innocent but he could still be in a dangerous state of mind from the experience he went through.

Cole couldn't help it, he curled up into a fetal position, "I just don't want to be alone."

"Woody, go fetch me a cup of water," Jessie said calmly.

"You'll be ok here, alone with him." Woody took his hand off his belt.

Jessie nodded but didn't take her eyes of the boy on the floor. She had her own hand resting on the taser on her belt.

When Woody returned Cole hadn't moved, they helped him to a sitting position and helped him drink it. They helped him to his feet and practically carried him out of his cell and set him on the couch in the main part of the station where he passed out almost as soon as he laid down on it.

The next morning he woke up to the smell of hot coffee and donuts. He was greeted by the same officer that had let him out of his cell.

"Good Morning," she looked up from her desk that was facing so that the couch was on her right.

"Morning," he yawned stretching out on the couch and sat up. The events of the previous night came back slow and then all at once and his eyes shot open and darted around the station. "Where am I? What is going on? Was I arrested?"

"Calm down," she cooed turning her chair to face him. "You are in the sheriff's stations, you've had quite the night but no charges are being pressed against you and no one felt right sending you home alone in the state you were in last night. How do you feel?"

"Sore... Gus," the words caught in his throat but he had to ask, "is he...?"

"Yes both your friend and the man the man that shot him are deceased."

"So I killed him?"

Jessie rolled her chair over to him so that she could place a hand on his shoulder, "What happened wasn't your fault and nobody blames you." Cole looked up at her from under his long black hair. "What happened was a tragedy but you didn't kill anyone. That man had enough drugs in his system that it was a miracle that he was able to walk." Jessie looked around to make sure that no one was listening, "the forensics and autopsy results just came back a couple hours ago. It may be true that the gun went off and wounded him but his finger was on the trigger not yours. He also went into cardiac arrest and died of a substance induced heart attack before he bled out." Jessie met his eyes again and smiled. "You didn't kill anyone." She reassured.

That made Cole feel a little better but it didn't change the fact that Gus was dead.

"Hey are you feeling hungry?" When Cole nodded she rolled to her desk and grabbed a doughnut and, "do you drink coffee?"

Cole nodded.

"Any food allergies?"

Cole shook his head.

"Do you like apples?"


"We finally got you to talk, Woody brought these in this morning they are still hot so be careful." She handed Cole the cup of coffee.

It was warm in his hands and the warmth shocked his senses. He sipped it and it burned his tongue. "Ah!" he gasped.

"Careful, you'll want to blow on it first."

Cole blew on it carefully wishing for it to be colder and then took another sip to find it slushy... Slushy coffee? It was scalding just a second ago. How in the world was it half frozen now? He remember the cell and how secretive he would have to be with the weirder things that happened to him. He stomached the curiously cold coffee and was grateful for the caffeine boost. Next he took the doughnut and bit into it ravenously hoping to fill his belly before any more weird happened.

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