Chapter 1

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"Skylar!" someone barked my name aloud. I knew that bark. I ignored it and continued to drag my kill toward the heart of the forest.

I heard paws slamming against the dirt floor, coming in my direction. I stopped myself from growling.

"Damn girl. Another kill? That's your second one this week!" Daniel wagged his tail as a greeting once he caught up to me.

"Beat it, Danny boy," I growled, but my words were muffled as I dragged the deer by the neck.

"Need some help with that?" He began to take the kill away from me.

Immediately, I dropped the dead animal from my jaw and hovered over it protectively. I let out a vicious snarl, warning him to back off.

Message received.

The light brown wolf jumped a few feet into the air. His light colored eyes had a hint of fear in them, and his tail vanished in between his legs for a fraction of a second.

I had to stop myself from smirking. I liked the thought that I could scare a wolf that was bigger than me.

Daniel was quick to resume himself. He took a step backwards and breathed angrily threw his nose. He looked pissed off, but I couldn't care less.

I picked up my kill and began dragging it by the neck. It slid against the dirt under my body while I waddled forward. I put all my strength into pulling the heavy deer.

"You know, Skylar, you don't need to be a bitch to everyone."

"I'm only a bitch to you," I promised through my clenched teeth.

"No you're not!" he barked, his jaw snapping shut. "You're a bitch to everyone! Even to your own mom!"

"Beat it, Danny boy," I repeated.

Daniel was..... well, he was Daniel. He was your regular book worm, science loving, straight A, momma's boy, nerd kid.

How the hell did someone like him have the rare ability to transform into a werewolf?

I didn't know.

"You know Skylar, you didn't have to kill the poor thing," Daniel let out a small whimper as he eyed the carcass that I continued to drag. He was such a wimp.

"I was pissed off. Something was bound to die."

"Does something always have to die when you're a little angry?" I watched the wolf next to me sigh deeply. "Don't answer that."

Didn't have to tell me twice.

"Where are you taking it this time?" he questioned quietly.

"Away from the city."

"You're not going to lay it on the outskirts of Kleistberg again, are you?" I chuckled around the fur of the deer. Daniel knew me too well. I hated Kleistberg, the city in which laid a few miles away from our small town. So, because of my lack of self-control and my strong "feelings" toward the damned city, l had once laid a carcass outside the city's perimeters which quickly raised the city's bear sightings for a whole week. It left the city in terror as they all thought their bear problem was the end of the world.

I laughed my ass off that week.

But I couldn't help myself. I just could not stand anything about Kleistberg: the people, the buildings, the food, the people....

I wasn't a people person.

"I don't feel like dragging this thing that far," I muttered around the deer's neck.

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