Chapter 10

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"I can not believe you motherfuckers drove my baby while I was in that kind of pain," Jordan growled around his Styrofoam cup.

"Believe it," I said.

Jordan's blue eyes went cold as he stared at me from across the table at which we sat at. But Mason was quick to try and save the day.

"I told you already, Jay. I'm sorry," Mason said while he flicked the dark hair out of his face and then gulped down his coffee. Jordan wasn't happy with that answer, and the two boys continued to bicker at each other.

I watched them argue for a good amount of time. I sat on my side of the table, swinging my legs back and forth on the booth. I sipped away at the warmness of my coffee. It was raining outside, the clouds dark and gray...


The color reminded me of Colton's eyes. Daniel was currently with Colton, I guess in the forest. It was raining so hard that it seemed stupid for anyone to be outside at that time. Though the cover of the treetops would probably keep most of the rain off of them...

I guess Daniel would be asking Colton any questions he had about wolves. Colton was supposed to teach Daniel about the history of the werewolf, or as much as he knew about them. I wouldn't have known what questions to ask Colton. I just didn't have to the passion or the attention span to keep up with it.

So instead I sat in my favorite, little coffee shop on the other side of town. It was always warm in there, and it smelled like coffee. It was comforting.

I sat with Jordan and Mason who sat across from me, both still arguing. I could see the cashier sending them annoyed looks as their bickering grew louder, but she never grew the nerve to come over and say something.

She was probably intimidated because both boys were hot.

I mean, don't get me wrong- Jordan was a fucking bitch, and Mason reminded me of a giant puppy dog most of the time, but I wasn't blind. Jordan had that Justin Bieber hair going, even though his hair was red. And he had killer blue eyes, even though they were always cold as ice. He was also a werewolf, and he had the body to go with it. He just ruined it because he was a cold jackass toward everyone.

Then, there was Mason. He was honestly adorable. He had really dark brown hair styled like a mop on top of his head. He had matching dark eyes and a full looking face. Despite his slightly chubby cheeks, his body looked rock hard with muscle. The fifteen year old boy had an innocence to him, but I knew better. Like the flick of a light switch, this boy would turn all King Kong on your ass. He had broken my arm- he wasn't a little angel all of the time.

Speaking of Mason, he suddenly lulled me out of my deep thoughts when he asked me, "So Skylar, how did you meet Daniel?"

The boys had stopped arguing at that point. Jordan drank his coffee while glaring angrily out the window. Mason looked at me, waiting for an answer. I looked down at the table, staring at the cast on my arm.

"Small town," I muttered.

"Oh, come on."

"Uh..." I fished for an answer, "We um... met in the forest...?" It sounded like a question.

Mason rolled his dark eyes. "No shit, Sherlock." He smirked at me knowingly. "Tell us how it happened."

Now I rolled my eyes at the eager boy who sat in front of me. "Well, long story short... He was there when I phased for the first time. He helped me through the pain- well, actually he just sat on his ass a few feet away from me... yeah... And well, that sort of formed this little, stupid pack between the two of us."

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