Chapter 4

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My face felt numb, my limbs felt like Jell-O, and my arm ached with intense pain...

It sucked.

But I could hear the light conversation of voices in the room. I slowly opened my eyes, looking around at my surroundings.

I surprised to see that I was in Daniel's room, lying on his bed. The bed smelled like him, all nerdy with a hint of aftershave. I had been in the room so many times that the area didn't alarm me- just a little surprising. I also noticed that I was placed under the blankets and that I had a gray cast on my arm... What the-?

But then, I realized I wasn't alone in the room either.

And someone was actually talking to me. Or more like begging...

"... just can't believe I did that. And to a girl too! Oh god! I'll burn in hell, but I swear, I'm so sorry."

The boy was young, maybe around 15 or 16 (my age, basically...) and had a dark brown mop for hair. He had matching brown eyes, behind the hair that dangled in them. He had light skin and was kind of lean, but he must have worked out or something because I could see the faint muscle from under his shirt.

He leaned next to the bed, talking -begging-, "I didn't know you were a girl. I swear! I'm just so sorry I broke your arm. I'm sorry! I'm so, so-"

Suddenly, another guy came and slapped the begging boy upside the head. His brown hair went flying, and he moaned out in pain.

I looked up to see who slapped him.

An older guy, maybe 18-ish had slapped the pleading boy. He had the Justin Bieber hair going on, where all the hair went in one direction. It was light red -he was obviously a ginger- and he had light blue eyes.

The redhead scowled the begging boy. "What the fuck are you doing, Mason? Apologizing to the enemy? You're a dumbass!" the redhead growled angrily as he stomped across the length of Daniel's room.

The mop headed boy (according to the redhead, his name was Mason) frowned but looked back into my eyes. He shrugged his shoulders slightly and gave me a quick, half smile, but he looked far from happy. He mouthed another silent 'I'm sorry' and I gave him a confused look.

"Uh..." I tried to comprehend what was happening, but nothing was clicking. Why was my arm in a cast? Why was I in Daniel's room? And who were these boys?

"Oh," the redhead boy yelled obnoxiously once we made eye contact, "Ooh! So, sleeping beauty is finally awake, huh? What's wrong, Princess? Cat got your tongue?" The redhead snickered dangerously while flicking the red hair out of his face. "You didn't have a probably opening your mouth when you were snapping at my face!"

Then it fell together.

I remembered everything that had happened. I remembered the two wolves that had attacked Daniel and me. I remembered passing out and phasing into my human form without any control over it.

Then it clicked. The mop headed boy was the brown wolf. The redhead was the orange wolf.

I sprang my body from the bed, punching the redhead in the face only because he was the closest one to me. "Where's Daniel, you little prick? What did you do to him?" I screamed, getting up in the redhead's face. I swear to god if they hurt Daniel...

"Ow!" The redhead staggered backwards. I was surprised that I actually got a decent hit on him, considering I was forced to use my left hand due to the cast. But I didn't let my own surprise phase me. I went to punch him again but something physically stopped me. I didn't turn around to look at who had grabbed my arm, but I could tell they were strong with a grip like that.

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