Chapter 6

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I hadn't been in my wolf form all weekend.

It felt weird with my paws slamming against the earth floor, my tail whipping in the wind, my fur dancing in the breeze, and with the bitter, cold, morning air nipping at my sensitive sink.

It was Monday morning, and I was running late for school. Again.

School felt like a waste of time, honestly. I had suffered all weekend, and the moment I finally got a chance to be my "other self" was on the way to school? That sucked. I couldn't even enjoy it- I was too busy racing against time.

So, there I was, sprinting my ass off, burning large distances as I ran through the dense forest with my backpack locked in my jaws.

Once I reached the end of the forest, I shifted back into my human form. I tried to ignore the fact that my hair probably looked like some bird attacked in more than once that morning.

I picked up my backpack and ran off toward the doors of the school. I threw them open, nearly hitting an elder woman who looked like a teacher or someone important.

I apologized about fifty times without ever looking her in the eyes. Instead, I continued to run down the nearly empty hallways, passing all the lockers and classrooms.

When I neared my classroom, I rounded the corner and ran into the class. I literally fell into my chair at the same moment the bell rang.

I tried to ignore the agonizing pain in my broken arm. I could not believe I ran on it. That was so stupid. I was so stupid! Ugh, being late sucks! Having a broken arm sucks too... My thoughts quickly took a bitter turn.

"Seriously, Sky? Every day?"

"Shut your goddamn face," I knew it was Daniel who had asked me the stupid question, even though I couldn't see him because I had my forehead lying on my desk. I had recognized his voice, and he was the only fucking person with the nerve to call me 'Sky'.

Things were going to have to change between us.

"I texted you again," he said in his nerdy voice.

"I obviously didn't get your damn text again," I growled. He chuckled at that.

"If you didn't live so far away from me, I would have my mom pick you up," Daniel said, probably trying to make me feel better. It wasn't working.

"Daniel, your mom hates me," I reminded him, still trying to regain my breath.

I could hear him smiling when he answered. "I know."

Then I heard a second chuckle.


Did someone seriously just laugh at me? I mean, I was okay with Daniel laughing at me (sometimes)-- I was used to that-- but seriously who else in their right mind would laugh at me? Everyone in the school knew very well that I wasn't afraid to rip anyone's face off.

I quickly snapped my head up from the table, and glared in the direction I heard the chuckle.

And then I saw him.

The mop-headed boy from Toby's pack sat in front of me, right next to Daniel. I had already forgot his name, but I would never forget his face, especially now that he was sitting in my biology class.

"What the fuck?" I said in shock.

The mop-headed boy smiled a lazy smile. He looked incredibly comfortable as he tilted back on the chair. He stared at me. "Hello to you too."

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