Chapter 2

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The wind was cold against my fur.

Not only was this town small and lonely, it was also very cold- like unbelievably cold. And you've might have heard the stories, how werewolves keep themselves warm or something retarded like that...

Yeah.... no.

That was bullshit.

Yes, even us werewolves froze our asses off in the cold, just like the humans. It was unfortunate for me because I hated the cold. I just hated it.

This town was lucky if it didn't rain for a few days out of the month. It was ridiculous.

That's Redwood for you.

My bitter thoughts about the weather were drawn to a stop when I heard a noise nearby. I looked around the trees, trying to pick out where the noise came from.


After hearing it for a second time, I dropped to the floor. I crouched low, my chest pressed against the cold, forest ground. My ears laid flat, but still alert. My eyes were wide, my nose wet, and my heart racing.

It was quiet.

I slowly crawled forward, silently dragging my lifeless tail along the ground behind me. My footsteps were light and my breaths were calm- quiet, everything was quiet. I was in stealth mode- something I had mastered. I was light and quick on my feet, yet I still had a decent amount of strength behind my smaller frame.

I crept closer to where I had heard the noise. I crawled against the floor, almost dragging my belly against the dirt. My tail twitched once from all the excitement that was radiating throughout my entire body.

I froze, waited for a moment, and then pounced on top of a boulder.

I looked around. Nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

I whined from frustration. I swore that I had heard something, but I was even more positive that whatever I heard was most definitely not there. At least not anymore.

I perked my ears up, listening. How beyond frustrating that was! There was something! I knew there was!

But what was it?

While handing my senses over to my hearing, I listened to something sniffing. I snapped my head in the direction and saw Daniel off in the distance.

I was sure he wasn't the thing I had originally heard. The thing I had heard was right here... in this hidden area by the trees...

As I thought more about it, this area was absolutely perfect for spying. I had a perfect view of Daniel, where I could easily watch his every move.


But the mysterious thought vanished from my mind when I noticed Daniel sticking his giant wolf head into a hole in the ground.

What the fuck was that boy doing?

I watched him, half confused and half amused. I watched his light brown wolf jumped foolishly around trees. I tilted my wolf head, trying to figure him out.

Was he hunting?

If I was in my human form, I would have laughed at the sight in front of me. Daniel hunting? Right!

The only thing Daniel knew about hunting was how to spell the damn word.

But yet, I watched the poor guy clumsily chase a wild rabbit around the forest trees. My tag wagged back and forth, slapping my sides, and my ears laid back against my head in amusement.

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