Chapter 3

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I was breathing hard as I slid into my chair.

The bell rang.

My heart beat was ringing loudly in my ears, my blood pounding against my head, my legs were numb and shaking, and my breaths came out in pants.

Like a dog.

Well, I guess that kind of made sense... In a weird, sick way.

"Ms. Snow," Max Darwell, my biology teacher, started, "I don't appreciate this habit that you have going on- showing up to my class, literally, two seconds before the bell rings. And then you spend the rest of the period regaining yourself."

Shut up, Max.

"It's not an improvement," he continued to scowl me. "You might as well be late."

"Sorry," I panted. I laid my forehead down on the desk. I sprawled one arm across the length of my desk, and my other arm held my stomach tightly, trying to pull myself together.

Eating Chinese food at two in the morning, and then waking up late and having to sprint to school wasn't sitting too well with me, I guess.

Mr. Darwell decided to ignore me for the rest of the class and instead lectured about something stupid all period. I was grateful. Last thing I needed was my biology teacher riding my ass about my attendance.

Halfway through the class Daniel turned around in his seat and narrowed his blue eyes at me.

"Did you get my text this morning?" he asked slowly, obviously annoyed.

I glared back and growled under my breath. "Does it look like I got your fucking text this morning?"

Daniel's bad mood quickly sobered up, and a slow smirk crept across his face. "Well..."

"Shut the fuck up," I cut him off. He chuckled lightly before turning back around in his seat, shaking his head slightly.

"Honestly, it doesn't look like you ran a brush through your hair in the past six months," Daniel said too low for humans to hear, but I heard perfectly.

So I slapped him upside the head... with my 800 paged biology book.

I was smug. I knew that thing would come in handy.

"Ow!" Daniel's annoying, nerdy voice rang throughout the classroom. Everyone turned in their seats to stare at Daniel and me. Daniel was holding the side of his head, while I sat behind him with a smug smirk on my face.

"Daniel Dawson, is something wrong? Or did you interrupt my lesson for no reason?" Mr. Darwell asked, obviously pissed off that even his best student ruined his lecture.

Ha ha... Daniel, that dumbass. Stupid prick, should watch what he says to me next time.

"I- um... uh... I just... ugh... saw... um... I- Sorry," Daniel mumbled as he slid deeper into his chair, his cheeks turning pink.

"That's what I thought. Now class before that interruption-" Mr. Darwell shot Daniel a pointed look, "We were talking about how a cell transforms when..." I stopped listening then.

Daniel didn't turn around in his seat again.

Good boy.

Smart boy.


I was pissed off. I hated school-hated it with everything I had. Which wasn't much, but still.

It was stupid, the teachers were pricks, the students were lame, the work was brutal, the hours were long, and the food was...


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