Chapter 13

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Chapter 13—

I told myself that I was never going to be sitting in this seat again.

And there I was, sitting in it.

Actually, Daniel was sitting in the chair that I usually sat in whenever I got called in, which was sadistically ironic. The well behaved one between the two of us was sitting in my chair inside the principal's office, and it wasn't because he received a good score on a test.

It was because he punched some dude in the face.

Even though I wasn't sitting in my normal seat, which was kind of sad now that I thought about it —I was "invited" into the principal's office so much that I had dibs on a certain chair—, I knew the promise I made to myself was now broken.

So there we all sat in Mr. Cooley's office, all in extremely uncomfortable chairs that were darted around the room. The principal wasn't used to having seven people in his office at one time, so some of the plastic chairs from the nurse's office had to be brought in.

I sat on one of those. And so did Colton and both of Harry's friends. Colton's chair was on the right side of the door, and the guy I punched was on the left side. The friend Colton hit twice had his chair pushed against the left wall, directly across from me. My chair was pushed up against the far right wall, near the window. And in front of Principal Cooley's giant desk were three plush chairs. In those nicer chairs sat Harry, Daniel, and the girl— all in that order.

I laid my head back against the wall. It was throbbing from being pulled on like a rope. As I sat near the window, I could hear it start to rain outside. My mood instantly went sour. So much for the nice weather... I was going to freeze in my t-shirt and ripped up jeans.

But at that moment, I was inside the warm office, and even though I wasn't in my usual nice chair, I was still comfortable— which, again, was kind of sad. The room felt like a second home to me.

And Principal Cooley knew it too. He sat down behind his desk, and when I glanced over at him, he smiled a little. "Comfortable?" he asked.

I smiled a closed mouth smile.

I was so getting kicked out of school.

It wasn't even a question anymore. I had been on my last leg with the school requirements— I had pulled my last straw with these authority figures. And now I was going to get it. I was going to receive my punishment, and the consequences were going to be a bitch.

All because of some stupid fight.


So much for getting a ride.

Cooley ignored me. He turned his attention towards some papers that were in front of him on his desk. He was reading them as started to speak.

"What happened out there?" the principal asked to no one in particular.

Harry took the free opportunity to speak, immediately pointing his finger towards the blonde chick who sat across from him. "She pushed me."

It was the first time I ever got to see the girl's face up close. Although she was sitting in the third plush chair that was farthest from me, it had been turned at an angle. It was still facing the principal's master desk, but it also gave me a clear view of her.

At first, I didn't get it. What was the big deal, Daniel? To me, she just looked like some ordinary, nerd girl. Untamed blonde hair, flushed skin, red cheeks, pale lips, bright green eyes, which were actually pretty fucking cool, but they were way too big for her face and were even worse as they were placed behind some dorky looking glasses.

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