Chapter 5- Minimum Wage

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Hello~ I was supposed to post this chapter a week ago but I kinda got stuck on what I should name the gangs

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Hello~ I was supposed to post this chapter a week ago but I kinda got stuck on what I should name the gangs. Sorry about that heh

Anyways, enjoy╰(▔∀▔)╯

The next morning, I woke up with a massive headache. Great. I sat up in bed and looked out the window, the faint light of the sun filling the room. What day was it? I picked up my phone, Thursday. I could not believe that I let Uraraka drag me to a party on a Wednesday. Furthermore, I could not believe that I let myself get side-tracked and come home by the late hour of 1 in the morning. Explains why my head hurts. I sat there looking at the city's skyline, gathering the strength to get out of bed. Finally, I got up out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and fixed some of my bedhead, walking up to my closet to pick the outfit of the day. I ended up going with the following:

 I ended up going with the following:

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After getting dressed I went downstairs to be met with surprisingly not Uraraka

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After getting dressed I went downstairs to be met with surprisingly not Uraraka. I looked around and called out for her "Ochako!" No response. I walked into the kitchen.

There I found a post it notes, it read:

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There I found a post it notes, it read:

Hey, Y/n

I had to go in early today because I had some extra work.

I also figured that you wouldn't want to see me after what happened last night.

Your bento is in the fridge. See you at work,

Ochako xoxo

I sighed knowing that the only reason she left early was that she felt bad about last night. I quickly tossed together some cereal, scoffed it down, packed my bag and left the house.

Closing the door behind me, I walked down the stairs, while flicking through the daily hero news. Unsurprisingly, half the news was talking about the pressure on heroes, due to the so called "Q gangs". Q gangs, short for Quirk gangs, are pretty much what they sound like gangs with quirks. People join up together to commit petty thefts and such. As of lately the number of quirk gangs has risen dramatically, with 2 in particular rising to the level of criminal organisations. These gangs being big rivals and polar opposites. One of which, committing sneaky and well thought out crimes named Night Stalkers and the other that commits flashy and improvised crimes called Red Dynamite. Due to the uprising of Q gangs the police are under immense pressure running around in circles, arresting people almost every day and due to such circumstances, the media goes wild posting overexaggerated news. Luckily fear has not prevailed... yet.

Anyway, due to the pressure on the police they are not able to go against the big gangs that's where my line of work comes in. See I work at the Tokyo Detective Agency, which means I am a detective. Our work is solely based on solving mysteries, I specifically work in the area that investigates mafia and gang activities. Thinking about work kind of gives me a headache but yet again it does get very exciting from time to time.

Flicking off the news page I plugged in my earphones and put on one of my favourite playlist; walking out of the apartment building and onto the street. Since Ochako had a car, she was normally my ride to work but due to current circumstances I now have to take the bus. I strolled down the road with a little hop in my step, marching to the beat of the music.

Soon I got to the bus stop and waited for the bus. The weather was nice the sky was clear and the sun beamed little specks of gold, which lifted my mood a bit more. The bus arrived, I got on and sat down on a seat near the back of the bus next the window. A few stops went by and I soon felt like I was being watched, carefully I lifted my eyes from the phone screen. I glanced around me slowly; in an instance I made eye contact with an old man. His grey hair was ragged and wild, his beard looked both crusty and unkept, his blue orbs eyeing me up and down. Uncomfortable was far from what I was feeling. Who is this creep? I broke the eye contact and started to look around, immediately regretting my decision as the man started to walk over to me. Yet at that minute god had blessed me as another figure got up and sat next to me, I recognised the figure as my good friend and colleague Kyouka Jirou. She glared at the man and he started to retreat to his seat. "Thank you, Kyouka-san, that man was really starting to scare me," I said. "No problem, I was just glad I got here before that hobo, put his stinking fingers on you."

"Heh heh,"

"Y/n, you should really learn how to use your quirk. It would really bring some piece of mind to the girls and I,"

"Kyouka-san you know how out of control my quirk is,"

"I know, how about you learn some martial arts instead?"

"Really you know how that'll end,"

"Oh, sorry about that, I forgot your quirk is kinda based on that,"

"Nah, its fine,"

"Mhm, hey are you listening to music? Can I listen to?"

"Yeah, sure." I perked up giving her one of my earphones.

"Damn, I think I am rubbing off on you. I love this song."

And thus, the entire bus ride Kyouka and I vibed to songs. We got to the agency and walked into the reception, where we signed in at the front desk.

"Alright I better be getting to my department,"

"Ok, bye Kyouka-san."

"See ya, Y/n."

I waved as she walked off down the hall. I turned around and walked up the stairs that ascended upwards. The clicking of my boots being heard against the marble floor. I got to my floor and started to walk down the hallway walking past many ancient wooded beams. The big doors of my office soon coming into sight, until.

"Y/n L/n."

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