Classified: Red Dynamite File

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(This is the file Bakugou gives Y/n at the end of Chapter 9. The things in bold are notes Bakugou wrote, brackets is me).

 The things in bold are notes Bakugou wrote, brackets is me)

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Name: Mina Ashido

Position- Red Dynamite Exectutive

Quirk- Acid

Speciality: Skilled with guns and other long range weaponary. She uses her quirk to imbue her bullets with acid. When they hit a targets vital organ (brain, heart ext.) they will die instantly. Almost never misses. She's a bit too...passionate.

Name: Eijirou Kirishima

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Name: Eijirou Kirishima

Position: Red Dynamite Second in Command

Quirk- Hardening

Speciality: Hand to hand combat specialist. One of the best martial artists in all of Japan and due to his quirk one punch or kick from him can be fatal. He is also the only one of these idiots I trust enough to drive the getaway car.

 He is also the only one of these idiots I trust enough to drive the getaway car

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Name: Katsuki Bakugou

Position: Red Dynamite Boss

Quirk: Explosion

Speciality: Exploding peoples heads off. I believe you saw me do this when we first met. His quirk provides with him with flexability and power, you never know what he has up his sleeve.

 His quirk provides with him with flexability and power, you never know what he has up his sleeve

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(why are their pictures so big? gubYGHAyufbhelp)

Name: Denki Kaminari

Position: Red Dynamite executive

Quirk: Electrification

Speciality: Short circuiting electircal devices(like security systems), short circuiting people (ehem permanently). Deadly in water. Another quirk of his is being incredibly dumb.

That's all you need to know for this heist sweetheart.

- Bakugou K.

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