Chapter 7- Two-faced

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Well it's been a long time. Hasn't it?

It's late. Just a few minutes to midnight and I find myself here in all places a party. Or I think it's a party to be honest it's not at all what I expected, polished marble floors, velvet dresses and guys in suits is far from what I pictured a gang's party would look like. And so, I stand here in my red satin dress feeling heavily underdressed for such occasion. To further my embarrassment, I have not seen any trace of Red Dynamite here at the party. Maybe the boss's information was a bit off.

As I stand there letting my mind get the best of me, a man approached me. He looked vaguely familiar but my mind was to distracted to delve deeper into this character. Nevertheless he spoke to me, his bright yellow eyes rivalled the majestic amber tone of his hair almost like....electricity.

"Well, hello there!" He spoke giving me something close to goosebumps, his voice was cheery but I could tell there was something hiding beneath that. A hidden edge. "Hi," I responded trying to match his energy but alas to no avail.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing at a party all alone?" His tone was just about riding the line between flirty and curious.

"I came alone," I responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I see," he beamed at me, shooting me a smile brighter than the sun itself. We stood there together in silence, until I spoke up. "This party is such a drag," I sighed.

"Ohh, you think this is the party," he chuckled. I gave him a look,

"What? There's another party?"

He looked at me for a moment as he was deciding whether or not he could trust me. "Of course, there's another party, you don't think we're that boring do you?" I gave him a look: half curious; half sceptical. "How about I show you?" There was a glint in his eyes one I didn't know whether to trust or not. Nevertheless, I took him up on his offer, if anything went wrong, I could just call upon the team that was stationed right outside and, in all honesty, I would have done anything to get out of that party.

I followed him past the crowds of well-dressed people, deeper into the house that almost seemed to me like a palace. The scenery slowly starting to change as we walked through what seemed like to be a maze of corridors. Soon the yellow haired male came to a stop at a dark looking staircase leading downwards. I could just about make out the sound of music from the deafening silence around me. He glanced at me before descending down the stairs me following after him.

At the bottom of the staircase, we were met face to face with a door. The yellow-haired stranger reached for the handle. "Are you ready?" He opened the door before I could respond and what I saw I don't think I could ever unsee.

"This is more like a party."

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