Chapter 8- The Flipside

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I am no longer putting the thoughts in bold.

I am too lazy.  ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა

This party was a lot more like what I expected, a heavy smell of smoke, money and sex engrossed the seemingly endless room. I glanced around the room the sound of club music banging at my ear drums, men in their suit and ties sitting at the bar drinking who knows what, girls looking like they're having the time of their lives dancing on the dance floor.

My companion must have noticed my silence as he spoke, "Amazing, isn't it? Welcome to the flipside." I immediately felt overdressed.

"The flipside?" I looked at him.

"The flipside, there are 2 parties as you can see. The one upstairs now that one's a bit too boring for the crowd that I run with. This party is way more our style."

"So, your style is scandalous?" I murmured to myself.

"Yep, pretty much. Come on I'll introduce you to the gang." He started to make his way through the crowds of the party. I stood there for a few minutes in disbelief, before going after him. Did he really just hear me over the music?

I followed him through the crowds of people, my nerves slowly getting the better of me, am I really safe with him? Sooner or later, he came to a stop in front of a sofa seemingly in the corner of the room, where a small group of people lay.

I stood behind yellow-haired male as he spoke, "Hey guys!"

The group seemed to respond with a groan. One of the boys in the group seemed to look up and notice me he stared at me with eyes blood red, his hair seemed to match with the unusual colour of his eyes.

"Denki! Are you bringing random girls to the party, again? You know Bak- the boss doesn't like it when you bring random strangers down here."

"Relax, Kiri, it's not like that."

The red head seemed to raise a brow, "Oh really? What's her name?"

"W-well her name is-" He stood there for a few seconds before I spoke up.

"Y/n L/n."

"There it is Y/n!" the boy exclaimed to the red head who seemed very much unamused.

"Fine then, she can stay as long as you keep her hidden from the boss."

"Keep what hidden from me?" said a raspy voice that came from behind me.

The red-haired male immediately shot up, "Uhhh hey boss."

The voice repeated, "Keep what hidden from me?"

The red head looked at me and then the figure behind me. Gathering what courage and energy I took it upon myself to look behind me. As I turned around my eyes immediately locked with the strangers behind me. For some reason he seemed to notice me, "You." He spoke this voice laced with both surprise and... anger?

Without a warning, he suddenly grabbed my wrist and I found myself being dragged through the crowds of sweaty, hot bodies. And soon the air stood cold, we were finally outside, I let myself take in the heavenly fresh air; that room was really suffocating.

My joy was cut short as I was pushed to a nearby wall, "What are you doing here?!" spoke the male in front of me. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I realised who the person was.


"So, you remember me?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked at this surprise appearance.

"Don't ask me my own question! Why'd you think?!"

We looked at each other for a few seconds before it suddenly hit me. That's why he seemed so familiar, the first time we met, the way he looks, his name, they all fit the bill!

"You- you're-"

"The leader of Red Dynamite. Oh, and don't bother calling your stupid back up, I've already had them dealt with."

"What did you do with them?!"

"Relax, relax, nothing major. But let's just say you won't be hearing from the for a while, princess~"


"What monster, murderer? You can say anything you want princess~ I've already heard it all."

"What are you going to do now?" I asked my whole body shaking with fear. This is what I get for doing my job?

"Tch, well I could kidnap you," our eyes met, "but kidnapping cute girls isn't really something I'm into. That's more up Denki's alley."


"The yellow haired boy you were with earlier. I thought you were supposed to know everything about my gang?"

"Who told you that?" he looked at me expectantly, "You disclose so little about your gang but I would like to say that I know more than most."

"Hm, does Kaminari ring a bell then, princess?"

My eyes widened with fear, "Wait you don't mean-"

"Yep, and there's a lot more where that can from. I only work with the worst of the worst."

"If you mean worst as with the highest kill count, then yes you are definitely more than enough to rival even the likes of the Night Stalkers."

The blonde's face seemed to harden at the name. "Don't," he came closer till I could feel his breath on my cheek, "stick me in with those weaklings." My heart felt as if it were going to beat out of my chest, our faces came closer and closer till-

"Oi Bakugou!"

It was Denki, he walked up to us, "Bakugou, Kiri said the deal is finished we got what we came for. There waiting for us in the-." He stopped mid- sentence, "Hey is that- Hey no fair man I saw her first."

"Shut up!" the blonde suddenly bellowed.

"Alright, alright. Come on blasty we have to go."

"Ughhh, fine." The blonde groaned before slipping a piece of paper into my hand.

"You better come." He whispered into my ear before vanishing into the darkness with the yellow haired boy at his side.

Tomorrow, 10 am at The Coffee Cup Cafe.

Come alone, Princess

I sighed, "Great, what have I gotten myself into?"

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