Chapter 6- Undercover

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Not me watching Shoto stream while writing this :) Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, I am so sorry for the delay I have been really busy with school and club activities. Enjoy~  °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

The words echoed through my ears. Gathering all that was left of my strength I turned around to see who it was behind me. I was met with a pair of familiar jet-black eyes and a tender smile. "Oh, Ms Yaoyorozu, did you need something?"

"Y/n I told you there is no need for formalities, we are friends after all," her eyes brightened up a little bit, but I could already sense her exhaustion from a mile away.

"Ah, sorry, Momo,"

"That's better. Anyway, the new boss wants to see you. Come with me." At the mention of the boss her smile tightened in what seemed to me like annoyance. I honestly wouldn't blame her, from what I've heard the new boss is supposedly a sleep-deprived, old man. At least that's what I have heard.

I followed Momo down the rustic hallway and soon we stopped at a big ancient wooden door.

"Go on. He's in there waiting for you."

"You're not coming with me?" I asked.

"He said that he would like to speak with you alone."

And after she spoke all I did was nod but inside the unsettling feeling in my stomach only seemed to grow larger. Why would the boss request a private audience with me? I mean me of all people, why? Did he need something from me? Why me?

"Y/n, I know that look. Stop overthinking things and just go in."

Almost immediately I responded, "Hai, Momo-san." And with that I opened the door and walked the door creaking as it closed behind me.

The room was dark only the small crack of the curtains illuminated some light for dust particles to dance within. The office was only slightly larger than mine, the walls were bare and the room was only furnished with a large desk and 2 chairs. It was clear that the new boss was not big on decorating or even unpacking. "Take a seat," spoke a figure that occupied one of the chairs. I did as the figure said taking a seat in the other chair, "Y/n L/n, I presume."

"Yes, sir," I spoke in a steady voice, looking up at the giant figure that was somewhat looming over the desk that acted at some sort of barrier between me and him.

"Yes, sir," I spoke in a steady voice, looking up at the giant figure that was somewhat looming over the desk that acted at some sort of barrier between me and him

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"Well then I suppose I should properly introduce myself. My name is Shota Aizawa but you can address me as Mr Aizawa,"

"Well, Mr Aizawa could you please enlighten me as to why you called me here,"

"Ah yes, I have asked you here to discuss matters regarding your work on the Red Dynamite investigation. See the department leaders and I have been discussing ways to speed up the investigation and well we came up with a plan to do so. And that plan involves you."

My mind stopped functioning after that last sentence, just what is this plan? A feeling of uneasiness overcame me, sending shivers up my spine. "Mr Aizawa just, what does this plan require me to do?"

"It requires you infiltrating Red Dynamite."

"WHAT TH-!" I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, Aizawa's face still expressing little to no emotion at my sudden outburst. How can someone be so calm? "Excuse my rudeness but why must I be assigned this task. I am sure there are much more skilled people who can handle such a task."

"Yes, we are aware there are much more capable candidates whom of which will be able to execute this plan but they don't have the knowledge that you do of this particular gang. I have the means to understand that you have been researching and investigating this gang for quite a bit of time now."

"You have a point but, how would I be able infiltrate the gang, they don't show face a lot and I can't just walk up to them in the middle of one of there infamous heists,"

"This is why you are going to meet them at a party-"

"A party?"

"We have intel that the leaders of Red Dynamite will be attending a party on Friday night and during that party you will infiltrate their gang,"

"Friday night? That's literally tomorrow night, don't I need more preparation time and besides I am not trained, what if they catch me?"

"Don't worry about that, we have arranged a backup team, you can easily contact them if you are in any danger and if things get really bad you are always free to use your quirk if you so wish to do so,"

"I am pretty sure that won't be necessary sir but as much as I would like to believe that it is as easy as you say it is, what makes you so sure that this plan will flow as smoothly as you say it will?"

"That's the thing we can't be sure that the plan will work, but your knowledge of the gangs will surely aid you on this mission,"

"So this entire mission is a liability, if I succeed we will finally be able to put an end to this gang and if I fail it will mean near death, what do I get out of this?"

"You will be given whatever you desire, whether that be money, fame, credit, whatever you want,"

"I see,"

"Well Y/n do you accept?"

"Wait, if I refuse to accept, what will the consequences be?"

"Simple, the quirk gangs will continue to terrorize Japan, killing innocent lives and such. As to what would happen to you, you will either return to you regular duties or be fired,"

"What do you mean 'or be fired'"?

"Well, it is not decided yet but you will either continue with your regular old job or be fired along with a certain other-"

"Wait who is this other person that will be fired?"

"Miss Ochako Uraraka, will also be fired along with you,"


"We have a means to know that she is a good friend of yours and the departments thought it would further prompt you to agree to this mission,"

"So, you're blackmailing me?"

"Well, you still have a free choice but when you put it like that I suppose yes, we are blackmailing you. Taking all this into consideration, Y/n L/n will you accept this mission?"

I sat there for a second trying to process all the information that has just been exposed to me. The risks are extremely high being that I accept and refuse. I knew what I had to do.

"I accept."

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