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they were back in room 333, and james was between colby and jake, everyone chilling in different spots before sam started to record.

'did we agree on seance or no seance?'

'seance brother. seance.'

the others laughed at corey's sarcasm, the blonde zooming in towards the brunette sat on his chair.

'fuck no seance, bro!'

'i feel like we should just play it like normal ghost investigators, let's just do it like everybody else and set up all of our ghost equipment and see what happens, yknow?'

' yeah, this isn't about putting ourselves in danger this is about figuring out if things are paranormal. we finally did get a few new.. gadget- thingymabobbers so let's set that out and see what we find.'

they turned the lights off and sat in a row at the end of the bed- jake, james, sam, colby and then corey on the other end.

'first of all, st augustine is where we bought these, imported from his hometown!'

'bro that is so crazy.'

'where you freaking grew up. that's how you know corey is.. haunted.'

the group laughed, sam bringing out an emf reader.

' if you watched our stanley hotel video, you guys all know what this is, this is an emf meter, so basically it detects electronic frequencies and other energies in the room, so it's why we turned off the master lights so there's no electronics on right now. so, when we turn this on, it should light up if there's more energy in the room.'

'and if it's red it's bad, right? but like green is normal?'

' yeah.'

as sam bought out and explained the green grid light, james' chest started to hurt slightly, her headache slightly intensifying. she knew they were on camera, and didn't want to bring attention to herself at such an important moment, so she slid her hand down her thigh and onto the bed between her and jake.

she softly reached out her fingers to nudge him in the leg, to which he glanced at her and she subtly nodded, poking him further to let him know it was intentional.

jake moved his leg to the side so her hand was gently pressed between her leg and his, the physical contact making james relax slightly.

she tuned back into the conversation as sam revealed the final piece of equipment.

'and then finally, i think he's the only one who's used them before- james?'

the girl shook her head.

'i know what they are and i've seen them being used but i've never personally used them.'

corey took them from sam, a look of shock on his face.

'the dowsing rods?'

' yeah, i bought these.'

'yknow how i've used these a few times? i stopped using them recently, i was using them like, weekly, like a lot of stuff was happening, and i got a lot of comments saying that these are just as bad as ouija boards.'




'i don't know. they never said why, they're just like you're an idiot, like dowsing rods are worse than ouija boards. because it's what like a- what a witches tool or something?'

'yeah like it lit- it literally says 'water witching' right here'

'these work bro.'

'eventually dowsing became known by the church as a work of the devil over time, and therefore disappeared by the public view. peasants needed dowsing to find their water, so it was done secretly.'

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