Chapter 3: Meet The Justice League

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The members of the justice league were in Nezu's office with Midoriya who had both Riolu and Mew with him, after the Bakugo incident through his life, they didn't trust him alone with anyone after that. So here they were, with their friend, keeping him safe and on guard in case one of these people tried something, All Might had even come when he heard that his son *Cough Cough* successor had been called to the principles office because of the American hero's

Nezu: So, what has happened that you need Midoriya's help with?

Superman: You see...

(Just in case some of you can't remember what happened)


Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were running after three villains that were The Joker, Penguin and Lex Luthor, but the villains had a surprise for them.

The villains ran into a corner and the hero's were right in front of them.

Superman: Give it up, you have no where to go.

Wonder Woman: It's of to prison for you three.

Joker: *Laughs* Oh it's not over yet

Batman: What do you mean?

The three villains pulled out three unusual looking balls, the top was red, the bottom was white and there was a black lining in the middle.

Joker: Cyndaquil

Penguin: Piplup come out.

Lex Luther: Flygon now!

All three villains threw the balls and then three unusual creatures came out.

All three of them blasted attacks at the hero's who were just able to dodge their attacks, but this was a chance to let the villains escape, which they did, and now the justice League was in big trouble.

*End Of Story*

Izuku: Their using Pokémon for their own selfish reasons and for evil?!?! That isn't how that works!

Riolu: Rio Riolu Rio Rio!

Mew: Mew mew mew mew mew!

Flash: Look, if you don't help us them we're all gonna face doom.

Izuku: I'll help, but we got to get my sister first, she knows more about Pokémon than I do.

Green Lantern: Already thought of that, can you take us to her center?

Izuku: Got it. Principle Nezu, me may need to take a bus there

Nezu: Get your class and lets get going.

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