Chapter 14: The Evolved Pokémon

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Flash: Their Pokémon evolved?!

The group had just returned and everyone was shocked to see two of Izuku's Pokémon and one of Stephanie's Pokémon evolved, everyone nearly jumped out of their skin. Stephanie's Lopunny was playing with her ear fluffs, sitting next to them while Izuku's Gyarados and Lucario Practiced their moves in the training room.

Stephanie: Well some of our Pokémon were due to evolve at some point.

Mewtwo: Yes, all Pokémon evolve at some point in their lives, either at a battle or another moment instead.

Mewtwo and Mew were out with them as well to explain the process of Pokémon evolutions. They had even pulled out some charts to show the pro's of some Pokémon evolutions

 They had even pulled out some charts to show the pro's of some Pokémon evolutions

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Martian Manhunter: What about Eevee, why does it have so many evolutions.

Izuku: Due  its unstable genetic makeup, Eevee has sudden mutates due to the environment in which it lives. Radiation from various stones causes this Pokémon to evolve. A you see in this chart

Stephanie: And here are they evolutions of some of the Pokémon the villains have

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Stephanie: And here are they evolutions of some of the Pokémon the villains have

Stephanie: And here are they evolutions of some of the Pokémon the villains have

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Batman: Wow

Superman: We really need to get those Pokémon away from the villains before it's to late.

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