Chapter 21: Deal and Pokémon Battle

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Deku: Let them go, now! And your Pokémon!

Stephanie's Eevee was mad at them and was in it's Umbreon evolution with their rings glowing brightly in the moonlight.

Stephanie's Eevee was mad at them and was in it's Umbreon evolution with their rings glowing brightly in the moonlight

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Cat Woman: Not in your years kids!

Stephanie: Well then what about a deal

Bain: A deal?

Stephanie: A Pokémon battle, if we win you surrender and free the Justice League.

Joker: Hmm, I see, fair on your side, but if we win?

Deku: *Sigh* You can take us instead and our Pokémon.

Batman: Kids no!

Flash: Don't do it!

Lex Luther: Quiet, and you kids have got a deal.

They stood in position with their Pokémon at their side, the kids knew if they didn't win this, then everything is done for, The battle would consist of 5 rounds with one of the kids battling Lex Luther in the final round against his Intenleon and Espeon. First up it for the villains was Poison Ivy's Ivysaur and Bayleef and Cat Woman's Purrlion and Meowth, for the kids it was Izuku's Charmeleon and Mimikyu and Stephanie's Florges and Aurorus.

The battle had started when Cat woman commanded her Meowth to use Slash, the kids Pokémon dodged and the fight had begun. It was going at a steady pace but then it sped up, when Ivysaur tried to hold down Izuku's Charmander, it used a lot of power and glowed, and right then, right there, Izuku's Charmeleon evolved into a Charizard.

 It was going at a steady pace but then it sped up, when Ivysaur tried to hold down Izuku's Charmander, it used a lot of power and glowed, and right then, right there, Izuku's Charmeleon evolved into a Charizard

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Izuku: Now Charizard, use Flamethrower!

Stephanie: And Florges, use Moon Blast!

Both attacks were aimed at the other Pokémon and they were knocked out and unable to battle and that was when things got more intense with the matches.

*Time Skip*

The kids were able to get to the final battle with Lex Luther, they had won 2 out of the 5 battle, they needed this victory or else they would lose all together, their remaining Pokémon for Izuku were Lucario, Mew and Rayquaza, for Stephanie it was Mewtwo, Eevee and Xerneas.

Lex Luther had his Inteleon and Espeon in front of him with the kids Pokémon out, Mew and Mewtwo were backup just in case, with a whistle, the battle was started.

Lex Luther: Espeon, use psybeam!

The attack came for their Pokémon when they yelled out doge which they did, Izuku called for Lucario to use Bone Rush but Inteleon fought back. This lasted for about half-an-hour before Izuku's Lucario was out so Mew joined in the battle, Stephanie's Eevee had enough and turned into it's Sylveon Evolution, looking angry and fierce.

 This lasted for about half-an-hour before Izuku's Lucario was out so Mew joined in the battle, Stephanie's Eevee had enough and turned into it's Sylveon Evolution, looking angry and fierce

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Stephanie: Sylveon, use Fairy Wind.

Sylveon: Sylveon!

*Time Skip*

Things were bad, it was down to Mew and Mewtwo versus Inteleon, and was getting bad, that was when Izuku got an idea, he whispered it to Stephanie and the did it. Inteleon used his Snipe shot when Mew and Mewtwo used their fire moves in one giant attack and fired it at Inteleon, it didn't have enough time to dodge when it hit him, causing to black out, the kids had won.

Izuku: We did it!

Stephanie: We won!

Mew: Mew!

Mewtwo: Yes!

But just then the villains were about to attack using their own powers, but their Pokémon came in front nd attacked them, causing them to sent flown back and black out. The Leafeon untied the hero's and they all hugged one another.

Batman: What you two did was reckless and thoughtless. What would of happened if you got hurt or lost?

Siblings: *Look Down*

Batman: But, you did do a good job, and I am proud of both of you and your Pokémon.

Siblings: *Hug Him* Thank you Batman

Batman was about to retaliate, but he only sighed and hugged them back.

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