⁰⁷ 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗯𝘀

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❝ In every heart there is a room੭ ❞

❝ In every heart there is a room੭ ❞

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┊ ˚➶ 。˚ 🕊️ empress 🤍 

𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙘 : teen craze , us against the world , play red 

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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙘 : teen craze , us against the world , play red 


Mmhmm I 😂👨 love that mac and cheese 🧀 but 🍑🤔 my ♂ asshole 🍑 doesn't cause 💋 im lactose intolerant. When I 😡 have 👏👏 the 😗 shits 💩💩 I have to 😛 hold 🙅 on the 😨👨 handicap bar 😫😫 and beg 🙇 for 🍆🕓 my 👫🏼 life. In 😍🏼 the end 💯 my asshole 😰 is 👅 ruptured and 👏👏 I 🙋👀 continue 🏃 the cycle of 💰👬 eating cheese again. 😭🙌

You 👈 can have it 🤔🗯 but 🐬 Cody licked it, banana 🍌 then 🔙 we 👭♂ split 🚻 it, talented 😢 and ➕ gifted, Zoe 🦄 is ☝ my idol. She is 👏👏 so 🤔 amazing, she 👩🏻 is 😍👉 so 👀😩 coo-o-ol. She 👩👀 is 💦 better- Call her 👩🤜 by 😈⚡ her 👩😍 name. 💯👤 Zoe! 😄🐴 La! 💰 Verne! Zoe! 🤗😄 La! 💰 Verne! ZoOoOoe. Her ♀🤰 name is 💦 Zoe. Not ⛔🚃 Loey, not 🚫 Hoey, not ❌ Doughie. Yeah, someone 🏼 said Doughie. Her name 🏻🤔 is Zoe. 🦄 Zoe 🐴 LaAaAaverrRrnee, walk 🏼 through ➡➡ fire for 💰😏 you, just let 😤👀 me 🕺💁 adore 🚼 you. 💖🤔 Zoe 🐴🦄 Laverne, Zoe 👑 Laverne, whenever Zoe 🐴 posts 👏💌 a TikTok I'm always ⌛ the 😫 first one ♿😬 to 😔 like it, 💦👩 Zoe 😄😄 make 👏🏈 my heart go 🏃😎 pitter patter, I 👀 really 📈 want 😍😍 her to 💦 follow 👣👣 me, 😭 one ♿ day she'll follow me , but 🅱🍑 until 🕓 then maybe 😉😉 she'll 💁 follow 👣👣 me. Holy 💦 moly zonut shop, holy 👕 moly 😳😳 zonut shop. Holy 👕 moly, 😳 .40 leave 👋🤔 him like 😘 a donut (holy moly). 😳 Holy- 👕 Zoe Zoe 🏻 Zoe 🦄😄 Zoe Zoe (Zoe 🦄🦄 Laverne, Laverne, Laverne, Lavone) Zoe Laverne (Laverne, lasagna). Zoe 👉🤖 Laverne, Zoe 🐴 Laverne (Zoe? 😄🐴 Zoe! ZoOoOoOoe) Buddah 💯 Blessed 🙏 this 💀😰 beat. I 🅱😂 feel 😀💯 like 🦊 I'm 🦆😋 Zoe Laverne in 202020. Walked 🚶🏽 in, 👏🐩 walked 🚶🚶 in, 👏👏 Zoe Laverne was 👏 crawling. TikTok, yeah 🙌 I 🤞👁 thought 🤔🙆 she 💁🏼 was dancing. Zoe 👑😄 Laverne's TikTok gave 🏻 me 🙏 an erection. I like 😜👍 Zoe 🤗🤗 Laverne, Zoe Laverne, Zoe Laverne, Zoe 👑🐴 Laverne, Zoe 🦄 Laverne- I 👁👁 am a 👌 zonut, zo-zo-zo Laverne, zo-zo-zo Laverne, zo-zo-zo Laverne. There's nobody ⛔⛔ at all, Zoe's 🤖 doing 😉😛 so 🍽 well 😐 have 💰 you 👄 heard? 👂 You see? 👁 You see? She's 🏽 my ⚖🙋 idol- I 👁 don't wanna, 🤕🏿 I 📧 don't 🙅🙈 wanna, 😡 I don't 🚫😡 wanna 🏿 die 💦 die. 🍆💯 Sold 🌫🌫 my 👨💁 soul to Zoe Laverne she ❤👸 said 💖❔ yeEaAaAaAahhh, I said yeah 🙌 I 👆👀 wanna be 👌🎄 a zonut. If 💦 you ☝👆 know 🤔😍 me 💖 well- 🤔 I 💰 love Zoe, 👑 my ⌛ idol! I 👁 LoOoOoOoOovvvvvveeee ZoOoOoe Laver-verne. That's 😐 my 🤰 idol, That's 👨 my idol, if you 👈 don't 🚫 know her, 👸👩 she 🍆 is Zoe Laverne. I 💁👁 really 👅 don't 🚫 know 🤔 why ❓ Zoe isn't following us, I 😂🏼 loooove Zoe 🐴 Laverne, yes! I love Zoe forever Musical.ly 2014. I 💭💰 would never 🙅 ever 👉😄 e-ever be yo' side 🙋🔥 chick, 🚺 I 🙋 put 😏 the 👦💋 sing, 🎵😰 get 😂 in 📥 Zoe, 🐴 ain't worried 'bout a Zoe 🤗🦄 on my ⚖♂ following, so 🅱ℹ you 👿✋ can 🔫 get 🍌🤑 your friends that Zoe 🤗🦄 followed 😣😣 me, but 🍑🍑 actually 🚟👀 she 👸 didnNnNnNn't really. Why ❓ are 👀 men 🚹 great 'til 💏💏 they gotta ⚰😈 be great? 👍 Don't text Zoe 👑🤗 tell 🗣📟 it 😉 straight to 👉 her 🤔 face. 😠👧 Best 👌🏆 friend sat me ♂🎅 down 😰 on Zoe's vlog chair. Shampoo press, gets you 🙅 out 🏍💯 of 👏💦 Zoe's 😄 hair. 💈💈 Fresh 💋💋 photos, Zoe's lighting. New 🎧❓ man 🥒🏻 on 🔛➡ Zoe's block. Bom 🗯 bom bi 👱👱 dom 👩 bi dum 🅱🅱 bum 🍑🍑 bay! 🏖🏖 I'ma 😎🛑 hit 🔞👉 you 👧👈 back ⬅⬅ in a 👌 minute. ⏰⌚ I'll 💰 bet that Zoe been there. We 😃 don't 🚫🙅 mess 💦💩 with lies, we don't 👎🚫 say ❤😩 goodbyes. Zoe 👑 just 😊 gon' 🏻👽 keep it like 👍😄 ay-ay-ay! I'ma 🤞 hit 🔞😪 Zoe 👑👑 back in 🛌📝 a 🅱🍦 minute. ⏰⏰ I 👁 don't 👎 play chat, 💬💬 Zoe's been 😎 there. 😍 I'm 💦 a zonut, yeah! Loving, amazing, 👉 supportive, yeah! 💕🙌 Zoe's 🤗🤗 a legend, yeah! 🙌🅱 Making 🛠 TikTok more confident, more confident. I'm 👁 a ↪👌 zonut, yeah- 🙌 I'm 🙋👁 not a 💀 zonut. If ♂⬅ I 👁🎧 was 💦😂 a zonut, would I 👁 be able 💪💪 to say 💯🏿 Zoe's 😄 a 🚮 chea- Zoe's 👉👑 a 👏👌 chea- Zoe's a chea- ThaAaAat's not want 😋 they 👧😂 say! 🗣 Z-O-E, 🌰 Zoe! 🦄 LaveEeErne, I love 💗💞 you 🤔💦 Zoe. 🤗 I 👁 wanna 🏿🙈 lick your toes 😩 Zoe. 🤗 Damn Zoe, damn Zoe. 🤖🐴 One 🍳♿ bad ❎ Zoe 🐴 that 🙎 do ✅ what I 👁👁 say 💬🏃 so, 💯🤔 two but 🍑 cheaters named ❤ Zoe 🤗 and Diego, three 🏾💁 more followers 😤😅 til' we 👥 hit 💪 24, 🅱🅱 Zoe 😎 Laverne is a- ⭕ Hahaha, 😂 feeling 🤒 like 🅾💖 a zonut, like 🦊 I should I 💡👈 don't. 🚫👎 I wish ⏮🔮 Zoe 😄🤗 would 😵 be 🐝🅱 my 🔥👈 neighborhood. Feeling 😩🍆 like 🏻 a zonut, I 😻💁 wanna ♀🏿 be Zoe. 😄 If 😤 I 👀💬 was 😟 a 👌🔥 zonut, Zoe 🐴🏻 Zoe Zoe Zoe 👑 Zoe Zoe 👑 Zoe 😄 Zo. See I'd 🍑 have all 😰 the blonde hair 💈 in the 👏👏 world 🌏 if 🎵🅱 I 📺 was 💦👥 Zoe 👑 Laverne. No 😞⛔ I 👁 can't. 💦💰 No ❌👏 I can't, 👀🔫 no 🙈⛔ I 👱💯 can't 😫💦 wait 😽 to 🏼🔍 get 🉐👮 out 👋 of 🏻 here. I'll see 👁👁 Zoe 😄👑 Laverne in 👻👏 my coochie. Think 🤔🤔 that 👫 we both 🌊➡ know 💭 the 🦉 truth, 😍 your 💦 obsessed just ♀ let 👀 it 😏 go. 🏃 I 👨 LOVE 🏩💋 ZOE! 😄🤗 You're obsessed just let 😤🙏 me go. 🚦 Throw 😷😷 that 🎢📺 ass 🙀⏰ back and let me 👵 see 👀 you do a split 🚻🚻 on 🍓👌 Cody! Zoe 🤗 moving too fast, got 😱🤢 three 💁 n-word 🍆💰 pass, 🛂 zonuts up 🆙👀 in 🍌💯 her 🏿👩 ass, 🍑🍑 like ❤👍 why 😡 is 🔝 Zoe such a ⏰ queen? 😫 I 😤🌈 think y'all 💀🤕 could 👌 use some tips. Zoe's 😄 pretty, she's 🍆 winning, 🏅🏅 and 🔣 all her 👸🤜 haters 🙊😂 are 🏾🚫 stupid. 📖 All the zonuts are 🚟☝ the sweetest people 👦👩 in 📥👏 the 🏿🆕 world. 🔪 I'm crying, cuz 👏 I 👈 love 🚟 Zoe 😄🐴 Laverne. Ya 💦👦 ya ya ya 😫👦 ya ya ya. 😫😩 Zoe, I 🙃 think you 😖 would 💞👪 look 👀 really good 🏾👌 with 😎😲 Cody, ok lets 🚟👀 get 🔟😩 it now. 😍 I am a zonut, I 😂👁 am 😇 not ten. You 🖕 shouldn't judge Zoe 🤖 or friends. She's 👩👩 setting 🌃 trends, she's 💁😘 setting 🌃 trends, Right like 👍🔫 yea yea 👌😀 she 🙍♀ is 💦 a 💰💩 ten. 🔟 If you 😖 try and 🏽 hate 🤔 on us ♀ I'ma 👦 punch 👊 ya. Oh your sad? 😟😭 Go 😜 cry to 💰 your mother 👵🎤 mother mother. 👵💼 Uh, I 👀 got 💰 drip on 👎🔛 the 👏👨 floor 😔 and 🅱 it's 😎 gettin' 👤👤 nasty. 👅🍆 Zoe can't keep 🏭👌 her hands 😤👊 off ♂😡 my asscheeks. I 🤔 like 💖😜 Zoe's 🐴 Skechers, she has 👩🛒 so 💯🆘 many ❔ Gucci shoes. Cody buys her lots ✅☑ of 💦 purses, if 👏🏿 she 💦💁 shows 📺 Cody her boobs. 🍡 I 💝 accidentally unfollowed Zoe. 😎🐴 Zoe 😄 please 😍🙊 don't 👎🙅 you 🤔 cry, I'm sorry.

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