Losing Control

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"Should I call the girls?" Bloom asks.

"That might be a good idea, at least Aisha, that way if her firepower gets away we can extinguish it," Daphne says.

With that statement, I feel my hands heat up and I run away.

"Macy wait!"

I hear Riven's voice but I don't think even Bloom's voice can stop me.

"Yo Mace, you okay?"

"Just leave me alone," I run.

I rush to my dorm, through the common area, and throw myself on my bed.

"Macy, you okay?"

I turn to see Mirta watching me.

"When you switched sides were you ever worried that it would like cause something bad?"

"What do you mean?"

"Before I came to Alfea I would lose control of my powers, to the point where I accidentally set my house on fire," I tell her.


Her tone isn't a tone I would expect from a witch, it was understanding.

There is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mirta says.

"Is she okay?" Musa asks.

"Yeah, what happened back there?" Riven follows in behind her.

I feel Mirta get up from my bed and I feel who I think is my brother take her spot and hold me close.

"I felt my hands heat up when they talked about me losing control of my powers. I lost control of them in Gardenia and got in trouble, what if that happens here?"

Lightning starts coming from my left hand and water from my right, I feel wind flowing from my hair.

"I'll go find Bloom," I hear Mirta's voice say before the squeaking of a window.

"You gotta relax Macy, try to breathe," Musa says.

I take a breath and fire comes out.

"Close your mouth, close your mouth!" my brother yells.

I close my mouth.

"Okay this is getting really wacky," Musa says.

"That has never happened before, am I going to get thrown out of Alfea?" I ask crying harder than before.

"You won't get kicked out, but here try this," Faragonda says.

"What is it?" I ask taking the blue liquid.

"It's a relaxation potion for something like this," Faragonda says.

"Relaxation potion?" Riven asks.

"Macy and Kenzie's powers are controlled and powered by emotion, any strong emotion like worry or anger can cause them to go out of control."

"So the potion helps her control strong emotions," Musa says.

"Until she can control them herself. It will dilute her powers to 25 percent."

"That will be helpful, I guess," I say.

"Don't worry Sis, you'll get there," Riven hugs me.

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