Feeling Rejected

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"Well, you did a great job with that. I was kidnapped at Christmas, remember?" I say.

"Hey, we got you back didn't we?" he replies to my joke.

"Yea, you did," I hug him.

Riven's phone beeps.

"Hey Musa, what's up?" Riven answers the video phone call.

"Come to Winx professor dorm room, we need to talk, and bring Macy," Musa says.

"Okay, see you soon," he finishes the call.

"What do you think that is about?" I ask.

"Well, considering that the prophecy is coming true nothing good," my brother says.

Riven and I start walking to west wing of Alfea where the professor dorm rooms are.

"Oh good you're here. We just finished meeting with Faragonda," Bloom says.

"What's the plan?" my brother asks without hesitation.

"We will have to keep your sisters separated, they can't be anywhere near each other," Stella says.

"Well no matter what I am going to stay with Macy, I'm not letting her go again."

Hearing him say that fills my heart with joy, it makes me feel protected, like a guy actually cares about me.

"We know, that is why we decided that Thoren, Brandon, and Helia will help Stella, Flora, and Aisha protect Kenzie while you, Sky, and Timmy help me, Musa, and Tecna protect Macy," Bloom says.

"Was it planned that your boyfriends are on the same team as you or is it just a coincidence?" I ask.

"Well actually, Thoren is Daphne's husband," Bloom says.

"That doesn't answer my question," I say.

"Faragonda and Saladin, the headmaster of Red Fountain, chose the teams so it is completely coincidental," Tecna says.

"Where is Kenzie?" Riven asks.

"She is with the boys in Griselda's office," Bloom says.

"I have to go talk to her," Riven says putting his arm up and turning his hand into a fist.

"No, I will. You have to stay here with Macy," Sky says.

"Okay," Riven backs down.

I see Timmy and Tecna messing with a very complex piece of technology, well complex to me at least and most likely everyone except them.

"What are you nerds up to?" Riven asks.

"Faragonda wants us to keep your sisters as protected as possible so we are creating a GPS so we can keep track of them when we are teaching," Tecna says.

"You know that Kenzie won't like that," Riven says as we watch them press buttons and connect wires.

"She won't like being kidnapped either," Musa says, "You already had one sister get kidnapped, we were lucky to get her back."

"Don't remind me," Riven holds me close.

"Our point is that you can't be in two places at once," Bloom says.

Riven's phone beeps, "Macy go by Musa."

I rush over to the fairy of music.

"What's up Kenzie?"

"You are protecting her! What about me?"

"I trust who you are with, besides Brandon is Sky's bodyguard," Riven says.

"I don't care, I had you first," Kenzie says.

I run away as she sounds like Mitzi.

"Macy!" my brother yells.

I run all the way across the castle to my dorm room.

"Macy, are you okay?" I hear a voice that isn't one of the Winx.

I look up to see Mirta getting up from the chair she is sitting in.

"No," I say going to the other side of the room and sliding my back down the wall until I am stopped by the floor.

"What's wrong?" Mirta asks as I feel her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't belong here, at least that's what my twin sister makes me feel like," I say through my tears.

"We all belong here," Mirta says.

"I don't even know who I am," I say digging my head into my knees.

"Knowing who you are isn't defined by what you are, where you come from, or even what people say you are. Knowing who you are is based on the actions you take and the friends you make," Mirta says.

"Did you mean to rhyme or was that just coincidence?" I ask as I put my head back up and smile.

"It was a coincidence. But it is true, the friends we make help us find who and where we need to be, my first year at Cloud Tower, the school for witches, I was an outcast because of my beliefs. It wasn't until I transferred to Alfea my second year where I found acceptance and where I needed to be."

"Thanks Mirta, Bloom is right. You are a great person and I'm glad we are roommates."

What she says sinks in.

There is a knock on the door.

"Come in," Mirta says as I finish wiping my eyes.

The door opens and Musa comes in.

"Musa? Where is Riven?"

"He's with Kenzie," she responds.

I bend my head again feeling that no guy will ever care for me and that I got my hopes up too soon.

"He's trying to calm her down," Musa says.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I ask.

"What happen to you?" Musa asks.

"Any time I get close to a guy whether it's family or relationship I always get the short end of the stick. I am always abandoned."

"He is not abandoning you, he would never abandon you. He is calming Kenzie down so she understands why he is staying with you," Bloom says.

"Bloom is right," Musa says, "He may have a hard time saying it but he loves you."

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