My First Class

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We leave Griselda's office and walk through the hallways.

"What class does my little sister have first?" Riven asks in a tone that is very caring.

"Potions with Oliver," Bloom says.

"Oliver?" Riven asks.

"He came the year after you left," Bloom responds.

"Is he a good teacher?" I ask Bloom.

"He's a really good teacher but his methods are interesting," Bloom says.

"What do you mean, interesting?" Riven asks.

"He is a teacher who believes that the best way to learn is to do, so he will have some of his students use themselves as test subjects," Bloom explains.

"Bloom," Riven says to her.

"Relax, I will make sure that he doesn't have Macy use herself as a test subject," Bloom reassures me and my brother.

I grasp Riven because this is all happening so fast.

"Here we are," Bloom says as we walk into a classroom with lots of beakers and colorful chemicals.

"Now students, this is how we change a person back to their human form," an old man says pouring a green liquid onto a small dog.

The dog turns back into a person.

"Professor, can we speak with you," Bloom asks.

"Sure, now class take a moment to study the notes from the past two weeks, they will be on the test on Friday," the old man says to the class before walking into the hallway where we are waiting.

"Professor, I'm assuming that Faragonda told you about the prophecy coming true," Bloom says to him.

"Yes Bloom, Faragonda sent a message through the whole school, I'm assuming that this is Macy because I had Kenzie in my previous class."

"Macy just got her powers and doesn't know how to control them so it is dangerous for her to use any magic on herself, at least until she gets better with controlling her powers."

"No worries Bloom," the man says.

"May I just watch for today?" I ask not wanting to jump right in.

"Of course, feel free to join in when ready," Professor Oliver agrees.

"I am going to have Riven stay with Macy in every class she has, he is one of the best Specialists at Red Fountain," Bloom says.

"No problem," the old man says.

Bloom's phone beeps.

"I have to go, have fun Macy."

The three of us walk into the classroom and I shoot straight to the back of the room.

A girl with red hair stares at me.

"Now class, let's get back to learning," Professor Oliver says.

I watch as my teacher takes a vile and pours it on a frog.

"There are some potions that allow you to talk to animals, watch this," Professor Oliver says.

"Can I have a fly?" The frog asks.

The whole class laughs, even me, as we watch the teacher comply with the request.

Suddenly, I feel my hands burn and I run out of the classroom so I don't make an explosion.

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