Secrets Revealed

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"What do you mean I finally got my powers?" I ask.

"They didn't tell you?" Riven asks.

"They told me that I have a twin."

"There was a reason that I volunteered to watch over you at Christmas instead of Sky," Riven said.

"Why is that?"

"You and Kenzie are my little sisters," he replies.

Did I just hear that correctly, Riven is my brother?


"Yea, when we found out about the prophecy Faragonda thought that it would be best to split you up until your powers came. We just didn't expect them so soon."

I run away with tears in my eyes, hearing this secret is just too much.

"Macy!" I hear my brother's voice.

I keep running I am not in the mood to hear anything Riven has to say. I find a small fountain to sit at.

"Macy, are you okay?"

I look up and through my watery eyes, I see an image of Bloom and Musa.

"No, my whole life has been a lie. No wonder I was treated like Cinderella in Gardenia."

"Macy, I know that finding out who you really are and where you really come from is hard but I know you have the strength to embrace your new life, I mean you did survive 9 years with Mitzi," Bloom says giving me a hug.

I chuckle behind my tears.

"I know it's a big transition, especially with everything getting thrown at you in one day but everyone is here for you and Riven told me how they had to keep you safe and wondered if you were doing okay and what you would be like," Musa says.

"He did?" I wipe my eyes.

"He did," Musa assured me.

"You ready to go back?" Bloom asks.

"Yes," I say wiping the last few tears from my eyes.

All three of us walk back to the group.

Everyone is looking at me.

"I'm sorry," I say to my brother.

"It's okay, I know you are getting a lot thrown at you, but no matter what I will be here to protect you," he hugs me.

The embrace feels good, it makes me feel protected, none of my family would have the courage to stand up to a witch, and he did that and more.

"Kenzie isn't going to like that I am choosing to protect Macy instead of her," Riven says to the group.

"Riven, Kenzie has lived in the dimension of Magix all her life and knows who she is, now Macy needs the guidance," Bloom says.

"Bloom is right, I will have Brandon protect Kenzie," Sky says.

"You think you can handle her?" Riven looks at Brandon.

"With Stella and Aisha? I think we can handle it, besides I have dealt with an angry Stella and that is something that nobody can beat."

"Okay, just contact me if you need anything," Riven says.

"You know I will," Brandon says before leaving.

I start to freak out when I start feeling my hand burn, "Not again, Bloom what do I do?"

"You need to calm down, our powers are controlled by emotion," Bloom says.

I count back from twenty and the heat from my hands starts to vanish.

"The Winx and I have a meeting with Faragonda, why don't you tell Macy about your family Riven," Bloom says.

"I guess," Riven says.

"Riven, I know it's hard talking about your past but it's better to know about it than never knowing," Musa says.

"I just don't want to give her the pain I have every day," Riven says.

"You do remember she was living with Mitzi for 9 years," Bloom says.

"Okay, come on Macy," my brother says.

"So, what is the truth about my past?" I ask as we walk around the campus.

"My mom left when I was young and our dad remarried and had you and Kenzie, after dad found out that you turned out to be girls instead of boys he left and your mom passed away leaving me having to go to Faragonda and see what to do next. After the prophecy was revealed and that you and Kenzie were in danger we sent you to Earth and Kenzie to Zenith, the world that Tecna is from."

"But why didn't you come to visit?" I ask.

"I wanted to but Faragonda didn't want to take any chances of any evil finding you," he responds.

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