Chapter Four: The Knowing of Friends

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Within just a few short months, Seian had grown double the size of what he was. The great thing about snow leopard riders is that they are the fastest growing animal to be sold as riders.

Amongst the sold riders available to the general public, the snow leopard is by far the most expensive and rarest on the market. Apart from what's sold to the civilians, there are other beasts used for riding, but they are exclusively used in the Nations' militaries.

In the nation of Gai, there is an elite group called the Gaian Guard whose members patrol the bordering nations and keep the villages and cities populace under control. They are ruthless, heavily armed with swords, axes, and bowmen alike, with years of military training behind them. Some might say that they are even worse than the pirates of Harūt, a land located off the coasts of Seha, the land of rivers. Amalia had always heard stories of them as a child. They were bandits and looters that would make trouble anywhere they went. However, the Gaian Guard held a different level of ferocity in her eyes.

When the Gaian Guard catches anyone mastering forbidden riders, they apprehend the animal immediately and take the master into custody. The Gaian royal house has a very particular way of ruling when it comes to the public and their army. They believe that the common public shouldn't have access to the heavier riders, weapons, or certain information regarding their actions. Varus, who had once been a member, was sure to speak only whispers of his time as a commander. For if anyone picked away at his mind, they were sure to learn of forbidden secrets.

Varus had also told Amalia great stories when she was young of warlords commanding their armies whilst riding atop ferocious rhinoceros'. Varus had always told her of how envious he had been to see them. However, for Amalia, Varus had always been the center of her inspired mind. Varus was known in his younger years as the fearsome Beast Master. While he was in his command, he had mastered one of the most fearsome of beasts, the great desert lion. It's said that only those who know the art of truly bonding with their riders can ever think of mastering such a beast. They are severely aggressive creatures who trust few.

Amalia had always been so in awe of Varus, imagining him as this larger-than-life man who conquered all. Yet, despite his fiery nature, he was always so gentle and kind. She had come to the realization that people like him are ones who should hold true titles of master.

During the first few months of training her new snow rider, Calhūn was stuck visiting family in the capitol city of Ba'sool, leaving Amalia with nothing but day after day of intense teachings. She spent most of her time instructing her fairly rambunctious leopard into becoming a fine mannered rider.

In the beginning stages of Seian's training, Amalia wore thick gloves to keep his claws and teeth at bay. He would never bite or strike with much force, but there were some points where his attacks would bruise her skin. It took her weeks of constant teaching to have him understand that she was fragile and he could easily harm her, but eventually he understood that. When he was big enough, Amalia slowly began to introduce his saddle, which would have to be used if she were to eventually ride him.

One day, in the midst of their early training session in which they went over typical maneuvers and skill strengths, Amalia heard familiar galloping steps come down along the dirt path. When she turned to the path, she saw Calhūn appear in the distance atop his ivory rider, Syndra. Amalia and Seian stopped and their attention was peaked with his approach. He smiled as he got within ears range and looked at the snow leopard that stood strong next to her.

"I see you've been training him well," Calhūn said as he slowed down his rider and brought her to a halt. Amalia's brows furrowed, he should not have known about her snow rider at all. Calhūn smiled playfully at her confusion. "Your father told me of your birthday present before my trip," he said and caught his breath.

Amalia rolled her eyes and smiled. "Of course he did," she said and put her hands on her hips.

Calhūn's body moved in between the rays of the beating sun, leaving Amalia to lift her hand to shield the brightness of it. "He looks really healthy." Calhūn dismounted onto the bright grass below and dusted off the front of his tunic.

"He's grown really fast, that is for certain." She smiled. "How was Ba'sool?"

"It was all fancy Richmun, markets upon markets, and oily food."

"So nothing's changed at all?" Amalia said with a smirk.

"Exactly." He rolled his eyes. Calhūn had always dreaded going to the city. He was the most country-living type of person that Amalia knew, and every time he went, he would always describe the heavily perfumed house his aunt lived in, along with her assortment of exotic birds and rodents.

"It's good to see you, Amalia." He said catching her off guard. Now Amalia looked upon the boy she had grown up with for so many years and she noticed the slight curls at the tip of his hair had grown longer, his body seemed firmer, and it seemed he had grown even taller. She smiled at the only person who knew her secrets—who knew her completely.

"I'm glad you've come home, Cal." Her smile was filled with nostalgia. "Even in these few months, I feel like my greatest friend was missing for so long."

A small stab hit Calhūn's heart. He'd gone the entire summer without seeing Amalia and that had made his desire to be near her grow with intensity. He had hoped that perhaps she would have come to some realization of her feelings for him whilst he was gone, but he saw that nothing had changed. Amalia was still completely oblivious to his deep-rooted feelings for her and still saw him as nothing more than a friend.

His attention was brought back to the fearsome looking Seian who stood with his strong defined muscles in front of him.

"My, he has grown, hasn't he? I could not see him for all he is until I see him this close." He noticed how tall and large he actually was. Seian's face reached Amalia's shoulders. "He's rather tall for his age as well."

Amalia smiled and put a hand onto Seian's head. "The leopards of the snow are most notable for their rapid growth."

"Ah, yes." He looked towards Seian wondering if he was capable. "Shall we put your rider to the test?"

Amalia grinned big and put her hands on her hips. "By all means," she said confidently. "What did you have in mind?"

Calhūn smirked at Amalia's strong stance; for her small frame, she was always so sure of herself.

"What's say you, Ama? One last trip to the Falls before summers end?" The wind picked up around them, pulling at the loose pieces of cloth on their tunics. Amalia felt a scintilla of adventure rise within her exuberant heart.

"What would summer be without visiting the Falls at least once?" She beamed.

Calhūn returned the smile and turned back to his horse, ready to slip his foot through the stirrup. "Shall we?"

His question was left without response, when they heard the sound of galloping steps headed for them. They turned to look towards the dirt path leading into their small village, wondering who or what could be making such a sound. 

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