Chapter Fifteen: A Great Honor

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Lady Emere'thael led them down the path of shining sprites; she led them to a place where they hoped they would be able to find dear Amalia. Korvon was still soggy and on edge from the outlandish magic done by this creature. However, Cal had convinced him she meant no harm.

While Cal and Korvon rode atop their steeds, the Lady gave the two men a beautiful display of her magical prowess. Her shining emerald hair cascaded against the wind and she rode and flew whimsically through the leaves and danced between the branches of the tall trees. Each leaf torn from its hold burst with light and changed into a laughing sprite that soared down with a jolly dance. They would play with Cal and Korvon's human locks of hair and tickle them to no end. Korvon tried swatting them away several times but they were too swift for his attempts.

Then with the whimsical taste of music, the Lady began to sing her song of the forest:

With the chill of night, a quietness hides;

A gentle glide, from the fairy of light.

For the seekers seek, treasures hidden deep;

Amongst the woodland, the emerald keep.

Many come, in search of gale;

Across the oceans, the pirates sail.

From the mist, Emere'thael emerges;

In their hearts, her mind searches.

Two outcomes may transpire,

One is great and the other dire.

If one is pure and truthful,

The treasures will be yours and fruitful,

But should one's heart, hold evil and malice,

Succumb you will, to the forest thallus.

The two were somehow oddly calmed and unnerved by the songs of the emerald lady. Korvon was uneasy in their ride, though, and kept his guard in place. They had come to the end of the quick ride and before them was a large clearing in the forest. The moonlight crept past the trees and glistened as the wind danced between the dark branches. Lady Emere'thael fell softly like a feather down onto the grassy hide below, and the two men saw clearly, the dazzling lady of green.

"We have arrived," she said turning back to face them, her eyes shining with excitement.

Calhūn and Korvon looked upon the moon-lit clearing and then a ping of familiarity hit Cal. He had been in this place before, it was the place he and Amalia had stumbled upon earlier; the shrine they could not enter.

The two men dismounted their horses and stood before the fairy. Korvon dared not look in her direction. Instead, he held his arms crossed and a scoff hung upon his lips. The fairy took notice of that, but decided to let him simmer within his irritation a bit longer.

"Welcome," she said with a graceful bow, "to the shrine of The Emerald Legend."

Calhūn and Korvon looked towards the moss-covered building behind the fairy. They both held wonder of what lie behind the mossy exterior.

The fairy turned and faced the mossy, vine-shrouded wall and held both of her hands to it. With a gust of chilling wind and a light that etched markings of alien origin, the moss was eroded from the wall, revealing a door beyond. The fairy lifted her hands, hovering them inches away from its surface.

"Ev Sylarn, Tahl, Yakava, Aelvon." The emerald lady spoke in the language of light and the doors beamed. The entire clearing was shining, drawing both men to hold their hands above their eyes.

The Emerald Legend (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora