Chapter Fourteen: River of Fire

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Two wrought-iron poles shot from each side of the entrance, on each pole was a sharp point that protruded into the sky. Chains hung from each one, pulling the poles into the thick rock on either side. Amalia paused before taking the first step onto the unknown bridge. She watched the stillness of the bridge and knew it would be disrupted after she decided to tread upon it.

In an attempt to comfort herself with an old habit, she pushed both sides of her hair behind her ears and ran her hands down the length of it. A bout of nervousness surged through her as she looked down and saw the molten rock flowing beneath her grey, mud covered boots. She glanced behind her and saw a small charred branch laying broken on the ground. She knelt down and picked up the black stick. She held the branch over the lava and felt the heat rise from it and warm her fingertips. She released the twig and watching as it soared into the river below. Right before it hit the lava, she saw it catch fire and then incinerate, leaving behind no trace.

She trembled at the thought of her falling like that small frail twig. The thought of her body catching fire before she hit the lava made her stomach churn, but her thoughts were cut off by a small nudge on her hand. Amalia looked down and saw her loyal snow rider, whose life was also depending on her, and the thoughts of losing and giving up had to be put down.

Her hand went to meet Seian's head and she stroked the small spots on his forehead gently.

"Thank you," she said turning back to the iron bridge. "I would not have made it this far without you, Sy."

And with that she took the first step onto the bridges frame. She watched as her foot touched the steel plank beneath her and a cascade of motion ran across the length of the bridge all the way to the other side.

She followed it with another shaky step, trying not to scare herself to death by staring into the crackling abyss below. Seian slowly followed her over the bridge, still unsure of its safety, but he was loyal and she knew he would follow her anywhere.

After watching their steps carefully and walking smoothly and calmly, she felt the bridge behind her shake as if another foot had stepped onto its planks. Amalia spun as gently as she could, hoping it was her imagination playing tricks on her. However, it was not. It walked towards her on its soot covered feet and rust covered hands. Its face was long, like the face of a haggard witch, and its skin looked to be slick with oil. Its nose hung below its mouth and its ears darted up to the sky and came to fleshy points. The creature's eyes were dark and riddled with saggy black bags. Amalia could have mistaken him for a disfigured old man, but when she saw its horrifying smile with an arrangement of razor like teeth, she knew it most certainly was not.

"Who dares think they may cross my bridge without payin' the levy!?" It cackled through its arrangement of teeth, its voice sounded like the scratching of nails against metal.

"You speak Gaian?" Amalia said, completely taken aback by the creature.

"What kind'o tariff collector would I be if I not speak the region's tongue?" It eyed her precariously with its dark calculating stare. "Now," it smacked its lips and dusted its long, pointed hands over its patched trousers and torn, filthy tunic, "either pay the levy of one-thousand gale, or face death upon the river."

Amalia shook a little as it spoke, she hadn't taken any money with her, let alone one-thousand gale. And the thought of facing "death upon the river" didn't seem like much of an option.

"One-thousand gale?" she said trying to hide her shock. One-thousand gale was enough to buy a plot of land in Ba'sool; where the land is not considered cheap by any means.

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