Chapter Five: The Kings Law

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Varus, who was planting seed for their next harvest, stood above the grain-filled lands and looked over towards his daughter. He knew the sound of these gallops; he would need to be near death to mistake them.

With that, he came swiftly to his daughter's side. "Keep close to me, Amalia," he said with an alarmed tone.

"What is happening?"

Varus gave her no response but watched the tree-line, waiting for the persons to emerge.

As the sound came out from the shrouded coppice, Amalia's heart sunk from the realization of its owners. It was Prince Korvon Magandel, followed by an entourage of royal guards. Calhūn looked back to her with a pale expression that matched her own.

As the prince made his approach, Cal stepped closer to Amalia. When the prince halted in front of them, the three of them bowed their heads with an unwanted respect for their ruler. The prince wore light armor, along with their families crest printed onto his chest—an image of a white wolf behind a silver banner and sky-blue markings. The other men behind him followed suit.

"Good day, fair Amalia." The prince spoke softly with the voice and face of an angel. Amalia figured that was how he drew women in, and then, with the intention of a wolf, he would devour them and move to the next prey.

"Good day, noble Prince Korvon." Amalia spoke through her teeth, not wanting to speak even the fewest words to this cretin. Varus stepped in front of Amalia, disrupting Korvon's view of her.

"What business have you here?" He asked with a deadly look in his eye. Amalia had never heard such a tone from Varus. Korvon looked to the worn face of a once great warlord and smirked. "Commander Varus Uluven, it has been quite some time since I have seen your face."

"Aye, last time we met you had just taken crown." Varus' eyes narrowed at the prince's unknown intentions.

"Only a few years ago, yet you seemed to have aged so ungracefully." Korvon spat with his highbrowed expression. Varus' eyes flared with irritation. "I ask again, Your Highness, what business you have on my land?" Varus spoke freely knowing his good standing reputation with the King and the knights of Gai.

"I presume you are indeed aware of the King's Law

"Aye, I am. However, it seems you may be unaware that there are three long months until the law is required to be upheld for my child?" Varus spoke with a roaring confidence that only the master of beasts could hold. They all knew the King was very strict on his laws and would not stand by anyone breaking them, not even a prince. Taking a lady to be a courtesan, even a few days before the half of nineteen, would surely cause an uproar with the King.

"I assure you, I have not come in search of law-breaking." The prince's hazel eyes darted from Varus to Amalia. "I've come to liberate her from such a law."

Amalia's brows hardened at the prince's statement for he was of no authority to break or change such laws.

"Excuse my ignorance, but I must say I don't understand what liberation you could offer me." She was irritated by the prince's attitude.

The prince's right hand, Rovelo Dominon, took offense at how freely she spoke to him. "How dare you spit such little faith towards our noble prince, heir to all of Gai," he said and spat towards her. Korvon lifted his hand to halt his noblemen from speaking.

"Calm your words, Rovelo. Only I will converse with the maiden."

Amalia's brows furrowed, the detest she held for this man and his kin was enough to fill the entire desert of Amir.

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