Chapter 1

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After eleven years of service with a close-knit crew, the starship Enterprise NCC-1701 had sailed again with a new captain and new crew; except for the science officer who had requested to stay on that starship.

Captain Pike was promoted to Fleet captain and the new Enterprise captain became James Tiberius Kirk, who had a promising career ahead of him, while the Vulcan science officer named Spock was promoted from science officer to chief science officer.

The starship had great significance and everyone knew both: the starship Enterprise and his Captain, James Kirk, especially the two empires opposing the Federation: the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon empire.

The Romulan Star Empire wanted nothing to do with the Federation and hoped their paths would never cross; for its part, the Klingon Empire saw the Federation as a weak and decadent structure. They did not at all share their totally absurd ideas of collaboration, democracy, non-belligerence. The Klingon Empire and humans in particular, will have a tense past, including a four-day war, due to some events that will have Captain Kirk as the protagonist.

After a reconnaissance mission, Captain Kirk, his first officer Spock, other three officers, as well as the crew who were part of the alpha shift, were in the break room to relax. The captain and Spock was playing 3D chess, while the first had a long cup of black coffee which he left untouched on the table to his left and the second a glass of water which he had drunk halfway. Although Jim knew from the start that the first officer won that match as the other ones, he appreciated being able to train his mind with a logical opponent, because at the and each game was different. That, in the specific case, the match lasted a bit less than five minutes, as Uhura call the captain via the intercom, startled Kirk who was nervously placing one of the pieces on the platform: he had lost.

«Bridge to Capitain Kirk! Answer me please»

Though he had no desire to answer, but before Spock could tell him anything about the logic of answering the communications officer's call, the captain stared at his first officer for a moment.

«You win, of course. Just arrange the pieces in their place, I'll be right back.»

Kirk took one last look at the board before heading to the intercom that was installed on the nearest wall. The captain often complained that he couldn't really relax in the recreation room, but he loved his work, that ship and its crew in its entirety and would do anything for each of them. He was the first to arrive on the bridge and the last to leave, he was a workaholic and like him almost all his crew in his entirety. Spock who had begun arranging his pieces on the side of the board of his competence, looked at the captain with whom he had formed a sincere friendship since they had begun to work together enough to call him Jim, a nickname that few were allowed to use. His friend certainly seemed tired, judging by the beaten look on his face and he thought he was annoyed.

He took a deep breath before replying flatly «Kirk here.»

«Captain, Uhura here. Sorry to bother you, but Admiral Cartwright would like to speak to you urgently, possibly on the visual channel. the woman said quietly.

«I'll be there. Kirk, out» Kirk replied with a sigh, then looked at Spock with a tight smile.

«Come with me?» Kirk asked in an almost amused tone, while the Vulcan's positive response reached him after a moment.

«Of course. However, I would like to know why you let me win the match» the Vulcan asked, as Jim still had a 0.45 percent margin to overturn the score.

For his part, Jim squeezed his lips, a gesture that he used both as a nervous gesture as to hide a real smile, in this case he was trying to hide a real smile.

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