Chapter 14

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A couple of days after that meeting, the quartet was heading for the cafeteria and Rose looked at T'Dal.

She was really satisfied that she was able to convince T'Dal to have lunch with them every day and she did not hole up in her room to study. It had been difficult to keep the girl from isolating herself but if she wasn't sure she felt a real feeling of friendship for the two boys, she knew that theirs was a real feeling of affection.

«So, what do you think of Peter? You haven't told me anything yet» Rose asked gently.

When Rose and Peter had met the day before her, the young doctor had seemed radiant to the girl, had spoken very positively about the meeting with T'Dal and was very motivated to build a relationship with her cousin. Peter knew that Vulcans were a little private about most of their issues, he knew that on Vulcan there was no real equivalent of friendship as humans intended and he did not take it for granted that a bond could be created right away. He knew he was nobody to T'Dal and he couldn't or wanted to pretend to come into her life in a confrontational way.

However, Peter did not know that T'Dal already considered him a member of the family and that she wanted to know more about Peter, his life and the aspirations that her cousin had in his heart.

«An excellent connoisseur of Vulcan traditions, he will become an excellent doctor for the five-year missions if he wants to continue with the career he has in mind.»

«That's not exactly what I asked you for. Let me think how to rephrase the sentence» Rose said thoughtfully

Paul, who had listened to the exchange between the two, turned to look T'Dal in the face with a smile.

«What Rose would like to know is on a human level. Is he nice? Do you want to hang out with him and get to know him better?» Paul said with a smile.

«That's irrelevant» said T'Dal calmly looking at him.

«Thanks Paul for the help. Indulge me T'Dal please» Rose said, looking at her

The Vulcan knew that some humans tended to persist until they received an answer they could deem satisfactory, so she decided to make a small concession.

«Yes, I think I might have an interest in getting to know him better.» the Vulcan said quietly and Rose, on her side, decided not to continue the conversation and changed the subject.

«Did you hear that there will be a carnival party in May? Do you plan to participate? I can't wait to take a break from all this frenzy for just a few hours» Daniel asked, looking at his friends.

«Absolutely yes, I can't wait.» Paul admitted with a smile.

«Of course, the most awaited moment of the year as far as I'm concerned so that I can take off my uniform for a couple of hours. T'Dal please tell me that you intend to come too.»

«No, it's illogical. At that time, I'm going to anticipate most of the exams and it wouldn't be productive.»

«Come on T'Dal I don't think that disconnecting for a few hours could be a problem for your memory» said Paul smiling.

The Vulcan's only response was to raise an eyebrow and her three friends laughed.


May had arrived, specifically it was the day before the masquerade party everyone was talking about. Rose had given her Vulcan friend a black leather jacket and heels suggesting that she wear it for the party, but T'Dal was very reluctant to talk about the party, as she was disinterested in it.

T'Dal had passed all the first year exams and several second year exams. She had been deaf to the suggestions of her friends and family to decrease the workload, she wanted to be able to graduate quickly and this was making her weary. She promised her that she would stop overlapping exams and lessons until at least September, but she wanted to finish the exams she had at least to finish.

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