Chapter 6

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On Planet Earth it was June 2269 and eight months had passed since T'Dal's arrival on the USS Enterprise. In January 2270, the spaceship's five-year mission would end and there was expectation of what would happen upon their return to Earth. The only certain of his choice was Spock, who decided to retire from active duty to try to build a life with his adopted daughter on Vulcan and was considering undergoing the Kolinahr ritual, due to his occasional displays of emotion during missions on the Enterprise, so as to eliminate even the last traces of residual emotions.

There was something that afflicted him, that gripped that human side of hime but that he did not know why, although it did not even remotely affect his, all too precise and detailed operation on the bridge. Spock had become inseparable from his adopted daughter, although he tried to remain cool and aloof, he had an illogical fear that someone or something might take her away. Although Spock's room had a pleasant temperature since it had been adapted to what he would have had on his home planet, he wondered if T'Dal felt cold; just like the first time she'd boarded the Enterprise. Would she have lived better on Vulcan?

T'Dal played in front of him after having eaten dinner together in the mess hall and was reluctant to go to sleep. She seemed older every day and she was changing, looking more and more like a Vulcan of her age, more polite and poised. She knew that the whole crew looked at that little girl as if she were the daughter or sister she had seen at her home years before her and that she was eager to meet again; the same crew in the future would remember her as the mascot of the Enterprise, some of her as an honorary member of her family, in both cases everyone looked at her with hope that the new generations would continue to live in a moment of peace.

«Shall we go to Uncle Leonard?» T'Dal asked at one point and Spock nodded.

«Sure, change your clothes and let's go.»

An hour later, T'Dal had fallen asleep on a biobed in the sickbay, Spock looked at her absorbed.

«I would like to know how you manage to get her to go to sleep even though you are obviously exhausted.»

McCoy chuckled.

«I have been a parent for longer than you, Joanna is much older than T'Dal and I had to learn when she was a baby. You were lucky enough to be a parent with an older child. You must know, however, that despite their race, children are all the same, when it's time to go to bed they have a tantrum.» McCoy said letting Spock cover T'Dal with a blanket.

The doctor looked closely at the first officer, studying his expression and seemed dejected, he did not remember ever seeing Spock in that state and watching him sit down, McCoy could not stop himself from asking the question, which he had wanted to ask him for a long time.

«What's going on Spock? Come on, you can tell me, I admit that I am sorry to see you like this and I'm not kidding» he said looking at his friend, inviting him to sit around a table not too far from the sleeping child.

The Vulcan watched his adopted daughter sleeping, choosing as always the chair where he could observe her better, ready to intervene in the moment of her need. His back leaned well on the backrest and he sighed just looking at his friend. He knew he could trust McCoy and wanted to talk to Jim too, but between the two, only Leonard was a parent.

The questions that haunted the human side of Spock were many, although he had rationalized and given a logical answer to every question that came to his mind, he did not know where to start.

Since Spock did not speak, Leonard McCoy tried to press for any response.

«Come on Spock, T'Dal is asleep and Jim is not here, it is a rather quiet evening and this evening it's one of a kind. If you prefer, everything we say will be labeled a professional secret. Nobody will know anything.» he said softly.

Spock considered that proposal and told himself that in the end he did not mind that proposal.

«I think I made a mistake when I took T'Dal with me on this ship. These eight months have helped me get a different perspective on things, but now I am convinced that I had no right to bring it here, even though it was the most logical thing to do. I did not violate the first directive, but now he is here in cold space, where she has no one to play with, on the Enterprise we are all adults. There are no Vulcans apart from myself on board, community is important for a Vulcan.»

McCoy smiled at him, he got the point and it wasn't a flaw in his logic. He was a father trying to figure out how to do his best for his daughter.

«Listen to me carefully. I won't allow you to think even for a minute that Vulcana Regar would have been better. How do you think he could be with anyone who wanted to be her guardian? Maybe she would have been raised away from Vulcan and would have lost her Vulcan identity while she now she has you, damn it.» McCoy talked eagerly, though maintaining a gentle tone.

«I know I'm not the best person to give you advice advice about parenthood, my ex-wife took Joanna away from me years ago, me and my daughter have recently reunited and I rarely see her anyway. We talk a lot, I want to be on her side even if I am here, but you are doing everything you can to be there with T'Dal and she will remember. Spock she's fine, T'Dal is healthy and happy. Maybe when she is on Vulcan she will have some things to improve, but she learns fast, you have seen it too. She has an eidetic memory and she remembers everything she has seen, read or heard. She is amazing. Believe me when I tell you that he will make a career wherever he wants and in my opinion we will have a science officer like his father.»

Spock , then held his breath, the doctor understood the problem, but how to admit that? McCoy quickly realized that that moment of silence was a positive affirmation.

«It will alright.» he said softly with a smile.

Spock nodded and noticed a couple of guys walking into the sickbay, they needed McCoy's help.

«I think it's time to take her to bed, there is an ongoing medical problem.» Spock said.

«I agree.»

"Now it's all right" thought the Vulcan, taking the child in his arms and going back to the room, light-heartedly.

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