Chapter 3

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After the Vulcan's proposal, Kirk hesitated for a moment looking at his first officer, because his was a proposal that he struggled to understand and it was the first time he had ever been left speechless like that.

«Spock, you know all of this would have a hard time coming to fruition. The Enterprise despite being a federal ship was not born as a family ship, don't forget that she wouldn't have enough space in your quarters to rest a four-year-old girl. He would have no way of socializing with a child his age.» said quietly the captain.

If it had been up to him, he would have wanted to take the little Vulcan child to the starship right away, but he didn't know how to do it, he couldn't find a quirk in the regulations he knew by heart that would allow him to bend a code that was too rigid (or indistinct) in his favor. Jim could not find an unclear note, just he who, if he could, found a loophole that would make a people happy, he would use it without thinking twice. The captain hadn't denied his help to anyone and now he felt helpless. How could he deny a child and his first officer to have a family and stability?

Spock was his best friend, the person who had been by his side from the beginning, like McCoy, but Jim secretly always relied on the Vulcan, who with his calm and logic managed to calm him down. Jim had always idealized his two best friends as reason and sentiment, now that the choice was up to him, he didn't know what to do. He looked at McCoy holding the baby in his arms, thinking that he owed a second chance too. He could watch a little girl grow up, hoping to see her little girl soon, Joanna whom his ex-wife had taken away from him. Jim had never had any children, but what if that little girl could help him balance his career and his private life? In another situation he would have asked Spock for help, but now it was his first officer who needed his help.

«I realize this captain and I understand your position, however I think it is appropriate to speak with Sarek and the Fleet command, it is logical that the Federation should know what is happening and my intentions as well. In other conditions, it would have been easier to find a guardian for T'Dal, as we know in this city that she has no family or anyone to look after her. If she had been a human she would have been different, it would have been enough to entrust her to someone with a good heart, for a Vulcan, customs are very different. Don't worry, I will personally take care of your education and I will ask Sarek to help me when there is a need for an adequate school placement.»

Kirk carefully weighed his first officer's words and there was something in that answer that troubled him deeply. In his heart, the captain had always admired the culture, strength and way the Vulcans dealt with life, even if he would never understand completely it. Kirk who was a passionate man, imagining repressing his feelings was shocking and at that moment, for the first time since he had known Spock, he could not understand why he had taken the life of that creature so much to heart. At that moment Kirk wondered "I've always said I don't believe in losing patterns, now that I'm facing one and Spock is showing me a logical solution, why can't I accept it?"

And although he appreciated that shy side of his first mate, he would rather have known more. He ventured a question, to which he was not sure there was an answer. «Would you explain to me why you are so sure that here T'Dal you cannot grow in the best way possibile here? You also enlighten me on the motivation that Sarek would be able to take to heart the fate of this little one.»

«Captain, you must know that logic would suggest that a family would take care of this little girl, but it is a very delicate age and this community will need time to get up from a bad time like the one in the past. T'Dal she is a child who will soon have to make choices, she needs a guide she can trust, especially by virtue of the fact that she has just lost her parents. She must learn to be a Vulcan, but at a pivotal time like this there is a high risk that she may decide not to follow Vulcan precepts. I personally know some Vulcans who have made choices that can be a cause of blame for the community in the long run. Regarding the second question, I cannot venture an answer, as Sarek is currently unaware of my request.»

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