Chapter 18 {Part Two}

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On the bridge there was a tactical meeting, while the whole ship took the fighting posts, Pavel and T'Dal took their places: the first was asked to operate the weapons console and T'Dal returned to his position as a science officer. There was general relief, with Pavel and T'Dal together, they felt better. Soon, both Carol and David made it to the bridge to watch the fight live.

Kirk, at Spock's suggestion, decided to take the ship inside the Mutara Nebula, so that he could fight on equal terms against Khan: inside the Nebula the sensors were strongly disturbed and the shields did not work; the condition would have been the same also for the Reliant, once it entered the Mutara Nebula, it would have remained defenseless.

«Damage, Scotty?»

«Admiral, I've got to take the mains off the line. The radiation...» he said before passing out.

McCoy, who had been called to engineering to see what he could do without having to take all the engineers to the sickbay, rescued the man.

«Scotty!» Kirk said, but was called by David to a screen at the science station.

«It's the Genesis Wave! They're on a build up to detonation!» the boy said, pointing to the screen.

Dying and left alone on the burning Reliant, Khan ignored Uhura's calls to return the ship and used his last strength to activate the Genesis device, so that the freed wave to "reorganize" all matter in the surrounding space, including the nebula and the Enterprise, which tried to escape, but the warp propulsion reactor was damaged.

«How soon?» Jim asked.

«We encoded four minutes.»

«We'll beam aboard and stop it.» said Jim

«You can't» David said, looking at his father.

«Scotty, I need warp speed in three minutes or we're all dead!»

«No response, Admiral.» said Uhura


«Sulu, get us out of here, best speed possible!»

Spock then decided to sacrifice himself by entering the radiation-saturated room to carry out the repairs himself.

«I'm sorry, but I have to do it myself so you can't follow me. It will be all right, my daughter» Spock said softly to T'Dal, before doing a Vulcan nerve pinch on his own daughter who passed out.

Spock went undisturbed to engineering and found the doctor.

«Are you out of your Vulcan mind? No human can tolerate the radiation that's in there!» McCoy asked

«But, as you are so fond of observing, Doctor, I'm not human.»

«You're not going in there, you have a daughter to think about, a wedding to attend and you have a husband.»

«Perhaps you're right. What is Mister Scott's condition?» Spock asked

McCoy turned and was about to give him some unpleasant news, Spock administers a Vulcan nerve pinch on McCoy, too.

«I'm sorry, Doctor, but I don't have time to discuss it logically. Remember.» he said, combining his katra with McCoy's mind. She would have liked to have T'Dal or Jim take him, but T'Dal had recently experienced a period of great stress and she had to marry soon, she did not know if she would be able to bear that situation too. Jim was in charge in a critical situation, the only one he could rely on was McCoy himself.

«Spock! Get out of there! Spock!» it was Scotty's screams, soon to be joined by McCoy's as Spock adjusted the warp engine.

«Sir! The mains are back on line!»

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