Chapter 12

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There were five examinee in total and only one would become a cadet: T'Dal was the only Vulcan, then there were three humans and an Andorian, all two years older than her. The theory exams had been fought, T'Dal was generally faster, but the examiners would have to choose three of her and a human, named Andrew Parker, who was giving her a hard time. He was very intelligent and had managed to get a higher grade on the dynamic relationship test, as a very sociable guy.

The psychological test, as expected, had come at an unexpected moment as T'Dal was talking to Andrew Parker about one of her tests when the examiner called her and asked her to follow him to another room. She was empty and waited quietly by herself, until an explosion outside made her stand up and Rose Tyler appeared at the door, red alert spreading.

«Come on, we have to go! They will move the exam, you'll see! Come with me, please!» Rose said agitatedly and T'Dal nodded as she stood up.

Going out into the corridor, she heard the screaming voices of some people from behind a door and she thought she heard the voices of Jim and Pavel. The mechanism that would allow her to open the door was broken and she had no idea how to open it, she Rose was gone. She really needed some help and when she saw Spock walk by that corridor and her gaze lit up for a moment.

«Father! Could you help me?» she asked as she approached him.

«Miss, you and I don't know each other. I have no children and shouldn't call the first Vulcan he meets "father". It's not logical.»

«I beg your pardon. What did you say?» T'Dal asked in her heart, disappointed and bewildered by those words.

«I have no children and she shouldn't be here. You should do the most logical thing and walk to the emergency's meeting point, don't you hear the red alert?»

T'Dal's heart grew heavy and Spock felt his human part asking T'Dal for forgiveness. He knew she was heartbroken. That was part of the exam, when everything seemed to go wrong what would she do? He wanted to touch her mind with hers and tell her with her telepathy what she needed to know, but it wasn't fair, he didn't want her daughter to always seek her help as she did at that moment. One day the Enterprise would be her ship and Spock would spend his retirement doing something else.

«You're right, but it is not logical not to help people in difficulty. Thanks captain.» T'Dal said softly, watching his father leave, but he didn't give up.

«What should I do?» she asked, looking at the door and then at the panel which also served as a bell to announce herself.

She tried the bell, albeit illogical, given the uselessness of announcing herself in such a situation and the problem was that the door would not open, how could she enter? T'Dal decided to remove the panel cover, use contacts to make the door open manually. She had seen herself do it in a drill on Vulcan and she didn't think that would come in handy.

She closed the panel and opened the door completely, T'Dal entered the room. She looked around her and it seemed to her that she was in a biotechnology lab with something that had visibly gone wrong. There were large chunks of metal on the ground and something that was emitting smoke, logic suggested it would catch fire.

«I'm coming, I'm coming,"»she said, joining two boys who looked like they had been burned by an explosion, a few steps from the entrance. She put her hand on the jugular: they were alive.

«Help I need a doctor!» she said screaming in the hall, but there was no one.

She went back to the two and decided to shake them, when the two opened their eyes and smiled, she felt better.

«Gentlemen, are you all right?» she asked looking at them.

«Well, thanks cadet. I hope you pass the exam.» said one of the two men, walking out the door.

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