memories | emmetstyle

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hello! so, yes, this is the last CONFIRMED oneshot of this certain collection. I wanted to end it with something really nice, so here you go. My thoughts are actually I can move the order of the chapters to fit with the timeline of my au, (which I'm still really confused about) but you can tell that this takes place in the far future as melody is a older sister! There was a hint about this in "found hope" but nobody really noticed/thought much about it. yeah, he's an oc (obv) probably about 4-7 when this takes place, his name is Max!


Lucy POV:

I sat there on the bench, I felt the breeze blow through my hair- it was late though it was still warm outside which is probably why we were still out here.

Melody was 16, she loved her brother more then anything, they never got into disputes and he never went through things alone.
I was worried thinking that they would fight alot as most siblings do but they got along instantly. Max was what Melody never knew she needed.

I knew they were up to something, they were doing that 'secretly whispering planning' stuff.

they walked up to Emmet and I, sat beside the both of us and Max asked us to tell the story of what happened all of those years ago.

It would always put Melody to rest when she was younger, the bedtime story she enjoyed hearing over and over again, best part- it was true, and the main characters were living in the same house as her.

"Well- it started when your father"

"Your not that old luce- or no, wyldstyle"

Max had a confused look on his face.

Melody eye rolled.

"That stupid name- your father used to live alone and he kinda did what everyone told him too, he "followed the instructions"- one day when he was going to work normally on the way home he heard a rustling from nearby and went to go see what it was - where he met me! Lucy."

"You froze the moment you saw me. I remember."

"I had never seen someone like you before.."

I blushed.

"Well, I got scared and ran off, you followed behind me when you found the red....brick....? What was it called again?"

"You can't remember? It was called the piece"

"Resistance" Melody finished.

"Yeah the piece of resistance- and he became the special, the cops and lord buisness wernt nice back then and they kidnapped him- even though he didn't know what was happening. I came to rescue him before anything bad happened and we escaped to the wild west on a really cool motorbike"

"There was a really big chase too, I had never been put under so much pressure"

"Yeah sorry"

The both of us laughed abit

"We made it to the wild west where we met grandpa vitruvius- he showed us everything we needed to know about the prophecy, soon enough we had to escape when uncle batman saved us!"

"Are you gonna tell them?"


"Tell me what?" Max said

"That uncle batman is mom's ex."


"Uh- let's continue"

"He flew everyone up to cloud cuckoo land, where all of the master builders were waiting for Emmet to do a speech about saving the world from lord business evil plan."

"Which was where you met me!!" Unikitty said, surprising everyone after jumping out from behind a nearby tree, joining us.

"Emmet did a speech, which I still think was really good even if everyone else didn't think so."

"It wasn't good"

"Yes it was. Soon enough the police found us again- and um."

Unikitty looked slightly sad remembering what happened next.

"We got uni, benny and the rest of us to built a submarine to escape in- it worked but it ended up breaking, dont know whos fault that was. Then the double decker couch saved our life!"

"Yeah! Everyone doubted my unique invention only for it to be our last hope"

"Until metalbeard came with his big ship. With him we made a really good plan to stop the world from being kragleized and we went to go and make it happen! It didn't entirely work out but we got really close."

I was staring to remmeber somethings I didn't want to think about too. Emmet noticed and finished the story, skipping anything he felt like he needed to.

"And then I did something for the better, I came back as a master builder! scribble cop helped everyone else escape as the whole town built their own things to stop lord buisness! I did a speech to him helping him realise that everyone needed creativity and freedom to live how they wanted, and that he didnt need to be the bad guy".

"Then....your father saved the day, and we all celebrated living happily ever after."


"the story never gets old."

"How much longer are we staying?"

"Maybe longer, it's not everyday the weather is so nice."

"Don't worry kids! Tag! Your it!" Unikitty said.

The three starting playing as emmet and I continued to sit there.

"We've been through so much"

"It's time to relax now though, look at them! We made them."

"We did"

"Love you ems, don't ever leave me."

"Love you to luce, dont ever leave me either"


A/N: okay so there's that! I'm probably gonna switch the orders of chapters so prepare for possible confusion.
Again I'm not sure if this is the last one for this but it most likely will be. Love you all angels!! Mae out.

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