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I have toiled over this project for years, now. It started as a story set in the same universe as THE MANAGER. I found that to be too limiting, so I abandoned the continuity and started anew.

This book started as a reader based "Y/N" story; that changed, too. Now, the protagonist of this story is a JYP trainee named Han Min-sik, who wants nothing more than to want something. It's about his multi-year struggle to debut as an idol and the people he meets along the way—including members of TWICE, specifically our very own Myoui Mina.

I have been at the go/no go point of publishing this story for eight months.

At first, I waited. I thought, I haven't even resumed publishing THE MANAGER yet! If I put out a new story with no prior warning, who the hell is going to read it?

Then, after a couple months, I reached another decision point. THE MANAGER was doing well, as was THE BET, then a fledgling series within my DREAMDAY one shot book. But still, I worried. I decided not to publish it.

Now, after holding this story inside me for so long, I can't do it anymore. I was afraid of publishing this book, because I only have one opportunity to get it right. That's what I thought. But I am tired of seeing these chapters backed up on my computer with nowhere to go, with no one to read them except me.

It doesn't matter how many people read this story. It matters that I put this writing out there, writing that I feel confident in and writing that I believe says things I have always wanted to say. I want there to be proof that I wrote this story, and the best way I can achieve that is by letting it be there for anyone who might want to see it to do so.

Thank you for being here.


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