E3 : Do It Again

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A/N: I have a message from the guy who inspired Mark Ackerman:

"what's up pussies"

He originally wanted me to write, "if you notice a spelling mistake, kill yourself," but I don't want a lawsuit. And, you know, I don't want any of you to kill yourselves. Stay alive :)

To celebrate 7 years with TWICE, here's a new chapter of THE IDOL.

Min-sik's shoes melted into the floor as Mina glared at him for what felt like an eternity. When she finally looked away, he averted his eyes from the stage.

Dae-won and Han-na were prattling on about Mina in hushed tones, and Ji-eun seemed to be the only person in the room who'd noticed Mina and Min-sik's silent exchange. She stared at Min-sik, then Mina, then MIn-sik again. "Do you two know each other?" Ji-eun demanded.

"Not really," Min-sik muttered. Inside, his brain was screaming bloody murder. Mina remembers! his inner voice yelled. She totally remembers! Shit, I bet she thinks I'm some kind of pervert!

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ji-eun questioned.

"Everyone, come on up towards the stage, please." Mina's voice carried over the room, and everyone moved at once as though pulled by an invisible force.

"I can't believe she's here!"

"I hope I can be like her one day..."

"How is she freeing up time in the middle of promoting?"

"Are we supposed to perform in front of her?"

People's murmurs and whispers washed over the auditorium. Min-sik couldn't help but scoff. Mina had shown up late, but here everyone was, talking up everything from her fit to her perfume. It wasn't like she was wearing anything remarkable, either; Min-sik was ninety-nine percent sure her white tracksuit was the same brand as the instructor's.

Mina was standing at the end of the stage, chatting with Chae-ryeong. Even Chae-ryeong's own group kept their distance from the two, like their presence necessitated a wide berth. Min-sik watched the way the two of them talked, like old acquaintances. Well, they were, after all.

"Today's session is more of a skill assessment," said Miss Son. "Mina came up with an activity, one that she'll explain now."

Mina stepped away from Chae-ryeong. When she spoke, everyone listened. "The premise is simple," she said. "First, let's switch places. Everyone, come up on stage."

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