E4 : Don't Call Me Again

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A/N: Episode 4!

It started to rain as Min-sik rode the bus home. He'd given up on holding the ice pack he'd been provided to his ankle. It sat on the seat next to him, slowly melting away. It was his kind of precaution, in case someone decided to sit next to him. He'd had a long day, and he wasn't in the mood to talk to a stranger, even for just ten seconds.

Min-sik dismounted the bus at his stop, only to step directly into a large puddle next to the curb. He pulled his foot away, but the water seeped into his shoe and his sock. Min-sik trudged two blocks to his dorm, throwing his melted ice pack into a trash can along the way. Each soft squish of his soggy sock got on his nerves.

Min-sik could hear Chul-soo's voice through the door as he approached. He pulled his hood over his head, resolving to pretend he had earbuds in.

"Min-sik!" Chul-soo greeted enthusiastically. "You're back late!"

Min-sik nodded stiffly and brushed past Chul-soo, who'd trapped Min-gyu at the small dining table. Chul-soo's voice reverberated down the hall as Min-sik scurried to his room. "Come join us when you get a chance!"

Min-sik shut the room door, and locked it for good measure. He was going to eat, but he figured he'd do so after Chul-soo had already gone to bed. Min-sik tossed his backpack into the corner and laid down on his bed, leaving the lights off. A little nap could be good...

Min-sik woke up at four in the morning. Orange light from the street below streamed in through the open blinds. Chul-soo's bed was unoccupied. Min-sik peered outside his room door; the corridor was dark, and the only light on was the dim bulb over the range. Min-sik slinked down the hall and checked the living room. Chul-soo wasn't on the couch, either. Min-sik made a packet of ramen on the stove. He pushed aside the empty beer bottles and chip packets and ate in silence at the dining table.

Min-sik found himself staring at the light reflecting in the beer bottles after polishing off his noodles. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking about anything. Words said to him the day before played in his head on repeat.

We'e gonna be the best.

You do know what you're doing here, right?

If this isn't what you want from your life, I suggest you leave.

Min-sik polished off his ramen, sniffing. It tasted spicier than usual. He wiped his nose and put his dishes in the sink.

Min-sik needed a wee, and he made sure to fully close the bathroom door before turning on the light. But as Min-sik turned to face himself in the mirror, he saw a smear of blood from his lip across his cheek, with more trailing down from his nostril.

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