Taking a break <33

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    Hey guys, so times have been really hard. Im sorry i haven't been posting. I have a very severe fear of abandonment, and in the past two weeks, people who I really cared about have left me and its been so hard. I am taking a much needed break for my mental and physical health. I will still try to update as soon as I can. But I hope y'all understand. I love you guys, and am so thankful for the amount of support, but yeah. I appreciate you guys so much, and Im sorry.

   Remember to take care of yourselves. This world can be so hard, and losing people is one of the most difficult things. But I think it's important to realize that people come and go, and some relationships just weren't meant to be forever. And that's okay. You can appreciate that those people helped you grow as a person, but still accept that what they did hurts. Its hard when someone who promised they would always be there leaves, but sometimes it really is for the better. Because one day, your going to find that person who actually understands you, your flaws, and your needs, but is still able to love you despite that. And you'll able to do the same with them. At a time where both of you can do so in a healthy way. And if your going through this too, know it's going to be okay. Its gonna hurt for a little while, but one day you'll be grateful, and be able to look back on the good times without it hurting. Im honestly saying this for both myself and you guys. There are people who come into your life to teach you a lesson, but they aren't always meant to stay. But there are also people who really will always be there, it might just take time to find that person.

  Anyways, once again I'm sorry, I'll be back soon. My dms are always open if anyone needs to talk. Remember to do whats best for you. I love you guys <33


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