🤌🏽To the van🤌🏽

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It's early morning in the villain dorms. Most of them are still asleep but not for long.
A loud bang is heard in the kitchen causing all of them to wake up and run to the kitchen ready to fight whatever the sound was.

Mina runs into the kitchen ready to throw acid on whoever the sound came from. Turns out it was just Deku and Bakugou throwing things at each other in the kitchen.

"You bitch! You know I'm right!" Deku says running behind the island counter to avoid getting hit with a flying pan thrown by none other then Katsuki.

"I refuse! You aren't right I am!" He says throwing another pot. Deku grabs an already thrown pot and throws it back at Katsuki. Said male jumps behind a wall to avoid the flying object.

"JUST ADMIT IM RIGHT CRACK WHORE" Deku tells laughing while doing so. Mina gathers that this 'fight' isn't a serious fight. But now she wonders what they are talking about.

"NO YOU HEROIN NEEDLE I WILL NOT" Bakugo laughs while yelling. He throws a spatula from the dish rack at Deku hitting him in his leg.
"AW SHIT IVE BEEN SHOT WHORE DOWN WHORE DOWN" Deku screams out laughing loudly.

Bakugou falls to the ground laughing incredibly hard at Dekus words. Next thing you see is both males laughing their asses off on the kitchen floor that's covered in kitchenware. Mina sits their in confused amusement watching the cute moment with stars in her eyes.

Everyone comes down stairs to see the same scene that Mina is seeing. They all laugh with the two males on the floor. Causing them both to look at the group with shock before continuing to laugh but much harder then before as they realize that they've been watching this whole time. Everyone is now on the floor absolutely howling with laughter.
These are the little moments that will last forever in their brains. Fond memories is what they call it.

After a couple more minutes of laughing they all stand up wiping the tears forming on their faces from laughing so hard.

"Ok ok now that we're calm now what should we get for breakfast?" Jirou asks their stomachs rumbling on queue making them all cackle slightly.

"I say we get McDonald's cause why the fuck not? Nobody feels like cooking" Denki says getting words of agreement from the rest of the group.

"Ok let's make a list of what we want to order so we already know what we all want from there by the time Aizawa gets here!" Deku says pulling out his notebook from a side pocket in his jacket.
He opens to a clean page and write the title and page number.

"Let's start with Mina. Then we'll go by the order of where we're standing." Deku says pulling out a black pen from his other pocket.

"I want 20 piece nugget with a basket of fries, honey mustard and a medium sprite!" She says excitedly. Deku writes it down then moves on to Denki who's next to Mina. He says the same thing except he wants Dr. Pepper and an Oreo McFlurry.
Deku writes it down moving on to Toga. She says wants two McDoubles and a large Hi-C juice with an Oreo McFlurry.

Everyone else's orders are chicken nuggets and fries with something added. Deku writes down two dozen cookies, and 12 Oreo McFlurries.
After 30 minutes everyone's orders are taken down and right upon finishing Aizawa walks through the doors holding car keys.

"Hurry up heathens get dressed and get your shoes on and pack up in the car." Aizawa says swinging the keys in his hand. "I'll be in the van waiting" he says walking back out the door to the van.

Everyone runs to their rooms pulling out their outfits of the day and putting them on. They all get their shoes on and run out to the van. They all hop in the van laughing at who knows what.

"Ready?" Aizawa asks turning around in the drivers seat to look back at the whole group. He gets a chorus of yeahs. With that he starts the van; engine coming to life. He pulls out the parking space and begins driving. While the students talk among themselves.

"Do you guys wanna decorate this van? Since it's this groups designated van that the school pays for I honestly don't give it shit what you do to it." Aizawa says in a neutral tone but hopes the students say yes to decorating the bland looking van.

They all turn to Aizawa quickly saying yes just as quickly as they looked at him. He smiles in his head . He can't wait to see what they come up with  as he wants them to be creative and show that creativity.
They all begin to change the conversation to how they want to redesign the vehicle.

"Ok ok ok what about making it like a mystery van like how they did in scooby doo!" Denki says happily; Everyone agrees.
"YES I like that idea but we'd modify it to fit us specifically! Like we can paint the outside of the van and put our group name on it!" Deku says like a light bulb went off in his head. He gets a chorus of agreements but Denki is just happy they actually listened to and are going to use his idea. He's really happy about being listened to and he cries out of happiness.

"Woah woah woah Denki why are you crying!?" Mina says scared they did something wrong. Everyone turns to look at Denki who is wiping his face of the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm not crying out of sadness I'm crying out of happiness that you guys actually listened to my idea and plan on using it.." he says still wiping his face. It's clear he's used to having his words and ideas disregarded. Everyone hugs him from their seats. He gives into the group hug.

"Denki of course we listened to your idea it's a good idea! Great idea actually" Deku says smiling a sweet smile towards Denki.
"I'm just used to not being listened to I'm sorry" he apologizes for crying. They hug him tighter.

"Well we aren't whoever the hell those assholes who didn't listen to you are. We listen to any and all ideas from everyone whether they are stupid ideas or not. We like to include everyone" Deku explains to him. Denki smiles broadly happy to be in this group.

Aizawa is recording secretly, the moment is so tender it deserves to be remembered.

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