👹Nipples and Tiddies👹

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Next up is Denki to get his nipples pierced. He doesn't flinch as he was hyping himself up for this the whole time they've been at the shop. He won't admit he was scared though but everyone could tell.

"LOOK AT MY BOOBS SHINSO THEY ARE PIERCED NOW !!" Denki says excitedly. Shinso blushes harshly as the words Denki said went in the completely wrong direction down the gutter. Denki doesn't realize what he said as he's too happy about his nipples being pierced. The lady laughs with a happy Denki glad someone appreciates her work this greatly. Hitoshi watches a thrilled Denki fondly. Everyone jumps up and down with Denki who's happy as they are happy that he's happy.

Next is Toga who likes the small sting like the masochist she is asks for nipple bars that have fake blood in the balls. She is clapping happily as the piercer comes back into the room with the bars she asked for. Uraraka who's staring deathly hard at Togas boobs is knocked out of her very dirty thoughts by Mina speaking to her. Said bubblegum bitch cackles at catching Uraraka off guard that hard. Uraraka who's now blushing furiously covers her face before she starts floating in the air. Minas eyes widen before she jumps up to grab the floating girls leg and pulling her back down to the seat. Uraraka is still covering her face but we don't talk about that.

Next is Mina.

"Y'all don't have to turn around for me; I like my tiddies being seen as they look great" she says with confidence oozing out her voice. All the boys still turn around out of respect for their friend. Can't say the same for the girls who all happen to like other girls themselves.

Mina gets hot pink bars to match her light pink skin. She thanks the piercer for the cute bars and gets out the chair nearly stumbling but catching herself before falling over completely.

"Y'all ain't see shit" she says looking at everyone. "I saw it" Deku laughs as he looks at Mina ."We will box hoe" Mina replies with a laugh herself. They stop their playful banter to acknowledge who's next to get pierced. 

Next is Jirou who just gets it done and over with but asks for purple and red bars. To which the piercer happily obliges to the request.

Now it's Bakugous turn. He puts Deku down next to him before taking his shirt off and laying down on the chair. Deku totally isn't staring just as hard as Toga was when she was looking at Urarakas Boobs.

Dekus eyes scan Bakugous torso taking in the sight so gratefully. He thanks whatever god there is for this moment; praying to any god for this moment to happen again at some point. Bakugou looks at a staring into space Deku smirking at the green headed boy.

The piercer does the cross nipple piercing on Bakugous first nipple and moves on to the second.

"Hey nerd my eyes are up here" he says to Izuku who processes what he said before blushing Christmas hat red. He covers his face and puts it down in embarrassment. Bakugou laughs at Izuku while the piercer finishes his other nipple.

It's now Dekus turn; Katsuki stands up putting his shirt back on. Leaving a disappointed Deku in it's wake. Izuku lays down on the chair sighing in disappointment.

He takes his own shirt and hoodie off revealing a incredibly fit body hidden under the layers. Bakugou was flabbergasted at the sight. 'That's hot as all fucking hell holy shit' he thinks in his head eyes scanning Deku generously.

Izuku doesn't notice as he's watching the piercer do his cross nipples. Izuku asks for orange and black bars to match Bakugous Green and Black bars.

The lady finishes everyone's piercings before walking out the room to the front desk. Dabi didn't get his done as they are already done so he stands there waiting for everyone else.

She comes back to the room with another person in tow. A healer as Deku uses a quirk to get the man's information.

The man behind her must be here to heal them he thinks to himself. The lady begins to speak to the group.

"This man here behind me will heal all of your new piercings to save the healing process!" She says clapping her hands together. The man doesn't say a word as he walks to Toga and Uraraka touching their exposed skin on their shoulders. The two women feel their piercings stop hurting, they both touch them to make sure and they were surely completely healed. The two girls thank the man and he gives them a simple head nod.

He walks over to Shinso and Kaminari touching their exposed skin on their necks. They feel the same thing the girls felt. Again they thank the man and he gives them the same nod he gave the others.

He moves on to Bakugou and Izuku touching Dekus hand and Bakugous shoulder. They feel that there is no more pain. Bakugou thanks the man for the both of them.

The lady leads everyone out the room to the front desk to pay for the piercings and to buy more jewelry. They pay for everything and walk out the store. Izukus social battery depleted after earlier so he just wants to leave. Everyone notices he wants to leave and that it's getting late anyways.

"Let's head to the art supply store before we leave!" Mina says walking in the direction of the art store. Everyone agrees and follows behind the pink girl.

The walk into the art supply store which is quiet and peaceful. Izuku likes the quietness and walks back the isle with sketch books, markers and everything in it.

He picks up a new notebook, sketch book, a 30 pack of markers, 100 set of color pencils, 40 pack of paint markers, a pack of 10 paint canvases, 10 set of shading pencils,a whole pack of paint brushes ,and a full set of oil paints. He walks to front to grab a basket to hold all of his own supplies in. He walks to the isle Bakugou is in. He's looking at spray paints scanning them over.

The others are in different isles grabbing the things they need to decorate the van. Once everything has been grabbed they go to the checkout.

The cashier has a rude demeanor and makes a slick comment about how much they have. As if it isn't his job to scan everything put onto this counter.

"You total is 180 dollars. Cash or card?" He asks with an attitude, following up with an eye roll. Deku doesn't like this so he speaks up.

"Watch your fucking tone. You may not like your damn job but you still gotta do the shit. Drop the attitude before I drop it for you." He says in a menacing tone, letting his murderous aura out. The others sense it and let out their own auras of bloodlust and insanity. The cashiers eyes widen in fear before he rephrases his words in a more polite tone.

"Umm will t-that be cash or card?" He asks more nicely and everyone gathers their auras as quickly as they let them out.

"Card thank you" Deku says handing the man the card. He inputs it into the system quickly handing them their receipt. He greets them goodbye in a shaky voice as they walk out.

They laugh at the small situation and talk about it on their way back to the van. They make it back to see Aizawa with a hot black coffee in his hands. They don't question where he had the time to get the coffee.

Aizawa doesn't see the students but they see him watching this American show called "Criminal Minds". Deku has seen it and doesn't bother to question why he's watching it. Honestly he understands it's a good show to be honest.

They open the van door and climb in making Aizawa turn off the show quickly. They laugh at him and tell him they seen him watching it.

"Can we watch it together?" Deku asks since it's his favorite show. Aizawa sighs deeply and nods his head. Acting as if he doesn't want to but he actually likes the idea of bonding with his students.

He starts the van and they pull off from the parking space and into the road on their way back to UA.

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