Chapter 1: Min Elske

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Chapter 1: Min Elske

I am, probably, the most excited person in the whole school about this Mission to South Korea. It's not only because I get to go half way around the world with the most wonderful people in my life or, that this is the first time that my parents actually trusted me to be on my own. Honestly, that is most of it though.

Two weeks ago, Channel 7 had a breaking news about the super tsunami that completely wiped out the coast of Korea along with Indonesia, Philippines, China and other countries that the tsunami passed. Salem State University faculty and the President then agreed to make a mission to the places affected. Every major have different destinations. Mine happened to be South Korea.

Being half Filipina and half Italian, I would love to help at the Philippines. But we didn't choose our assigned destinations.

My parents, were something of a riot. They immediately said no even before I finished my reasons.

I sat them down in front of the tv showing them videos of the affected area including some unfortunate people looking around searching for their homes hoping that the tsunami had magically missed theirs. They looked about like zombies, hopelessness in thier eyes, lost in the one place they've lived all their lives because of the landmarks that they'd once relied on to identify their location.

Once my mother saw the people of the Philippines sobbing for their homes, she couldn't help but cry and ran to her room. Before running after my mom, my father patted me on the back and saw how affected I was aswell.

The next morning, I didn't want to mention any of it. I regretted making my mother cry like that. I didn't want to forgive myself.

But once I sat down to eat my cheese omelet and bacon breakfast, the ketchup on my plate that I usually put myself spelled a three letter word that immediately brightened my morning. I excitedly jumped on both of my parents watching me carefully on the other side of the table and they both gasped.

I thanked them countless of times, but of course my mom nagged on about being carefull and boys and being responsible and to continue doing my work and so on.

And now with the departure date in two days I can't help but be frightened.

Never in my life have I traveled without my parents. I was the only senior that haven't been to any of the class trips to the Bahamas or the Grand Canyon or even to Gunstock, New Hampshire to go skiing. But at the same time, I enjoyed the feeling of freedom. It was bigger than any feeling I've ever felt. Even when I thought I'd fallen in love. But that's another story.

The trip is to be throughout the whole summer so we had to pack heavy. I stuffed my huge black luggage as much as I could to fit all my necessities. This trip was going to be historical. Well, in my history that is.


Two days later.

"Call us immediately when you get there, okay?" My mother trots along behind me. We were at the airport and they'd just called my flight. We were suppose to meet at the front of the terminal as a class but because of the countless pictures my mother made me take I was now running late. "Opo, mom. I'll call you once I get signal even." (Opo means yes but in a respectful way.)

When we got to the terminal, I saw my friends waiting at the door. They mentioned for me to hurry up and I quickened my steps.

"Baby, please look at me." My mom said behind me.

I stopped and turned around. Something tugged inside me and finally released sadness. My heart broke to see my mother tearing up. My father's warm teal eyes, which I inherited, were also red.

"Oh mama, I'll be back don't worry." I ran to them and hugged them both as tight as I can. "This isn't for me. It's for them."

My mom let go of me to look me in the eye. I wiped away the tear that rolled down her cheek.

"I love you, honey. I'll be praying for you." She said.

"Thanks mom. Love you too." I looked up to my dad. I studied his fair skin that he'd inherit from the evironment in Denmark. His family had moved there when he was five years old. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, min elske." I love you too, my love, he said. I smile at them both. I gave them both one last hug and ran to the gate. I didnt want to turn back because I might never let them go.

I have to do this. I have to find my freedom through this. I have to let them go.


A/N so um at least one like? i'll post another as soon as possible. This is only the beginning of her story and of course I will add more romance as promised :]

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